Daniel's birthday (part 24/last part)

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*at his birthday*

You and Kaylin was at your house playing with Daniel at his room (you turn the guest room into a room for him) waiting for the twins because Harvey told you, he want to come because he wants to find out what is it.

You: how do you think he will react?
Kaylin: he will be surprised for sure and shocked.
You: yeah that's I think too
Kaylin: you think he will stay with you after that?
You: you know something if you asked me a year ago this question I'll answer that I would be very sad if he left me but now idc because I don't want him to stay here because he has to without loving me or Daniel. If he want to make his life he can.
Kaylin: you don't love him
You: I didn't say that but I don't want to have someone with me because he has to be with me, I don't want to make him do things he doesn't want to
Kaylin: what if he wants to stay?
You: then I'll be very happy because my mom told me that if he stay we can move together in another house alone
Kaylin: really?
You: yes

*rang the bell*

You: *went to open* hey
Harvey: heyy
Max: ... Hi
You: hi *you just looked each other*
You: come in

You came in and you all sit at the living room

Max: so what is it so special and I had to come here
You: it's Daniel's birthday
Max: who is he? Is your boyfriend? You bring me here to celebrate your boyfriend's birthday?
You: no, if you want to meet Daniel just follow me*and you stand up and make your way to Daniel's bedroom*
Max: *just stand up and follow you without saying anything*
You: *open the door* here he is
Max: wait it's a baby?
You: yes
Max: it.. It looks like me...
You: ofc it looks like you idiot it's your child
Max: What? How? When?
You: the day before you leave for the tour
Max: and how we are sure it's mine?
You: first we did it at the end of February and now it's November. Exactly 9 months
Max: true
You: second you just said he looks like you. And third you was the last one I did it with
Max: oh....
You: that's all you have to say?
Max: I'm shocked, I didn't expect that.
Max: so you telling me all this months you growing a child alone?
You: yes
Max: I'm sorry for not being here all this time
You: it's not only your fault I just didn't tell you but when I tried you didn't want to hear me
Max: I'm sorry, I can be here now
You: you don't need to stay because you have to. If this is why you staying then leave. I will let you stay only if you want to. Only if you actually love me and him. I don't want to keep you here if you don't love us. For the first time I wanted to make a family with you but not with this way I wanted to have a lovely family but if you don't want you can leave
Max: I want.
You: are you sure?
Max: I was never been so sure about something in my life before. I love you I always did and I still do. I always thought about you, every day, every night, every hour, every minute. I miss you
You: I miss you too and I need you. Not only for Daniel but and for me I want to be happy like I was before when I met you
Max: I'm sorry
You: no, I'm sorry because I cheated on you twice
Max: yeah but I did never gave you a chance to talk to me. I'm sorry *and he hug you and you hug him back*
You: I love you
Max: I love you more *you looked each other eyes and then you kissed* *and then hug one more time*
Max: can I hold him?
You: of course you don't need to ask for that
Max: hey Daniel, I'm your bad
Daniel: dada?
Max: yes
Daniel: *he smiled and went up and down at Max's arms (idk how to describe this 😂)*
You: haha you are so cute

Then you went down stairs to the living room with Harvey and Kaylin and they saw you and then saw Max coming down the stare case holding Daniel in his arms.

Kaylin: omg you are back together?
You: yes *and smile really hard*
Kaylin: I had so long time to see you smile
You: now you will see me more
Kaylin: I'm so happy for that
Harvey: finally you will be both be happy
You&Max: * look each other and smile and then he hug you*
Mom: hey guys
You: hey mom
Mom: oh Max I'm so glad you are here
Max: I'm too because if I didn't came I'll didn't know I have a kid
Mom: I heard you are back together, is it true?
You: yes
Mom: then this is yours *and she gives you keys*
You: what is that?
Mom: your keys for your new house
You: WHAT? When did you buy it
Mom: I had it for years and I waited for you to make a family to give you this house
You: omg mom thank you so much
Max: thanks Ms Julia
Mom: I'll be here whatever you ever need me
You: thanks mom for everything

After a month you moved there and you were really happy because finally you had family with the person who you loved the most in the world. Harvey and Kaylin was every day in your house, after some months you learned that Kaylin was pregnant too. So now you both will have your own house with your lovers like you dreamed when you were younger.

The end ❤

I hope you liked this story. Thanks for everything, thank you for the support, that was my first story and that's mean a lot to me! ❤ Love yaa 😊❤

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