Chapter 30 Why?

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Delirious pov:
When we got to the hospital we went up to my brothers room, room 130. we opened the door and walked in. mini, mom, and Evan all took a seat while I walked up to him as he lightly chuckled. then Evan stood next to me and Justin's face changed.
"Get the fuck away from me!" He yelled at Evan.
"Why?" Evan questioned.
"BECAUSE YOU FUCKEN SHOT MY DICK YOU WERE FUCKEN CENTIMETERS FROM SHOOTING A FUCKEN VEIN I ALMOST LOST MY DICK BECAUSE OF YOU WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY!!!" Justin screamed as mini held back his laughter. Justin then looked behind Evan and glared at mini and said.
"Shut the fuck up bitch or I will punch you square in the face!" He said as mini started laughing.
"Hahaha like you FUCKEN can you are going to wobbling like a fucking penguin for fuckin weeks and you can't do shit so if I were you id shut the fuck up before I get the doctors to come in here And chop your fucking dick off!!!" Mini yelled back.
"That's in mother fucker," Justin said as he tried getting out of bed but I rushed over to him and held him down.
"Haha you can't do shit I fuckin told you bitch!" Mini yelled as he tried to walk closer to Justin but got held back my Evan.
"Don't Mini, mini stop!" Evan yelled as Justin chucked.
"Ha who can't do shit now!!" He yelled.
I covered his mouth and slapped him.
"Shut the fuck up!" I said to him as I looked back to see mini struggling to get out of my boyfriends strong grip.
"Mother fucker, Evan let me beat the shit out of him!" He yelled as my mom walked up to mini calmly and held his face and started to chant something I couldn't under stand. then mini stopped struggling and just stood there and listened to my mom. he then fell back into Evans arms asleep. I looked at her in shock.
" did you?" I asked she just smiled and watched Evan put mini down on a chair. then I looked at justin.
"Why?" I asked.
"Why? Why! Because I was sick of you getting all of mother you were always by her side. I felt left out and so did dad. ounce Missy was born dad got into an argument with mom and he took he and Missy into the basement and kept them down there ounce Missy turned 5 dad decided that he could take care of you and her. but he started drinking so I moved out and left you two there to rot in hell!" He said as he smiled an evil smile.

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