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It was the morning. Unfortunately our last full day in Paris, but oh well. I've loved every single second. Right now, we were all sat at the breakfast table, including Blair, discussing what was happening today as we got a day off.

"So, I thought you girls should spend sometime together," Leo started.

"And we all know, because Emily keeps reminding us, that this is the Ballet capital of the world," Charlie continued.

"Therefore, we have organised for you both to visit the Paris National Ballet to take a class there! Don't worry Victoria, you can watch, we've already checked," Leo finished.

They what?

"Are you joking?" I asked.

"Nope, your there in an hour," Charlie casually said.

"Omg thank you thank you thank you thank you! I love you both so much!" I said practically crying. I ran to give the boys a hug. Wow. I'm going to take a ballet class, in France, where ballet was founded. Wow. Let that sink in for a second. Okay... I think it's sunk in... Wait....


"But she doesn't have a leotard, tights and ballet shoes," Victoria pointed out.

"Correction, she does have a leotard, tights and ballet shoes. We have thought every little part of it out," Blair smiled.

After breakfast I went back upstairs to start getting ready and there was indeed a black leotard, tights and shoes all laid out on my bed. I hopped in the shower, did my makeup and scraped my hair back into a bun and put on my clothing. This was actually happening.

"You excited?" I heard a voice say as I was finishing off my makeup. Charlie.

"I don't think that's a strong enough word," I smiled. "Thank you so much. I love you," I said getting up and walking over to him.

"I love you more,"

"What are you and Leo doing while Victoria and I are there?"

"We're doing a meet and greet at a local cafe,"

"Don't go kissing other girls again," I warned.

"I won't baby, I promise. I was stupid back then,"

"Charl, it was only 14 months ago,"

"I've grown up since then, I'm 17 now,"

"Okay. I love you so much," I said hugging him.

"Not as much as I love you princess," he replied.

"Come on Emily, we're going to be late," Victoria shouted. As much as she's not a dancer, Victoria loves to watch ballet. So hopefully she'll enjoy watching the classes.

"See you later Em. We're meeting you at the restaurant at 6pm. The class finishes at 3pm, it's 4 hour class. Then, you'll come back and get ready and meet us there,"

"Okay, see you later," and I quickly kissed him then left.

Omg, it's real. It's actually happening. Wow...

**Skip the car journey**

Victoria and I walked into reception.

"Bonjour ma chérie, ce est votre nom?" The receptionist said. I just looked at her wide eyed and confused. I glanced at Victoria to see her doing the exact same. Coincidently, a woman walked through from the back.

"Hello, you must be Emily and Victoria? I'm Shelly. I will be helping you today by translating for you," the lady, Shelly, introduced before she turned to the receptionist and said: "ce est Emily, shes ici pour la classe proffesional . Je lui prends la chercher triée. Merci," then we were lead through to a room with about 13 or so more dancers.

"Victoria if you have a seat over there and Emily put your ballet shoes on, joggers off and the teacher should be along soon. Don't worry, I'm staying here," Shelly said and almost simultaneously, the teacher emerged. She must of been about 60. The pianist enter and took his seat at the piano.

**skip most of the class**

This is the best class ever. I've learnt so much and I'm sweating loads. Ew, gross, I know. The teacher is strict but nice at the same. Tough love I guess. I haven't really been able to talk to the other girls because they all speak French, which I'm not fluent in. I understand the ballet steps part of it however general conversation, not so much. It's a beautiful language. The class was eventually over and to say the least, I was shattered.

"Did you enjoy that?" Victoria asked me as I walked over.

"Best class of my life, so inspirational," I smiled. I got called by one of the girls and they wanted a group photo so I did. Shelly had told me that they had all seen the music video from last year and were all fans.

"Thank you so much for this opportunity Shelly, it's inspired me a lot," I thanked her then Victoria and I left. We headed back to the hotel to get ready for tonight with our boys.
Blair decided to let us four have some time together alone. When we got back, I got in the shower then put my dressing gown on.

"Vick, what are you wearing tonight?" I asked.

"My jeans, gold/beige top, my blazer and heels. What about you?" She replied.

"That sounds cute. Jeans, my flats and my pink blouse with the diamond collar,"

"Em, do you think Leo still likes me?"

"What are you on about? Of course he does! Why would you ever suspect otherwise?"

"I don't know. I guess we've just op not been spending enough time together recently,"

"Speak to him tonight. Vic, he loves you. You can see it in his eyes when he looks at you," I reassured.

An hour later, we walked down the road to the restaurant. We spotted the boys and walked over to them. As we approached, the boys stood up and hugged us both and kissed us on the cheek. Gentlemen!

"How's your day been?" I asked.

"Yeah it's been really good. Love our fans," Leo said.

The meal was delicious. We had a great time and the food was delectable.

"Charlie, Emily. Victoria and I are going to go on a little walk. We will see you back at the hotel," Leo announced. I subtly mouthed to Vicki.

"Speak to him," as Charlie grabbed my hand and we walked home.


Leo intertwined our fingers had lead me on a cute walk around Paris. The whole city was alight, with the Eiffel Tower in the background.

"Vic, are you okay?" Leo asked. I had to ask him now...

"Yeah I'm fine. I think. But Leo?"

"Yeah princess,"

"Do you still like me?" I asked pulling my hand away from his grasp.

"What do you mean,"

"Do you still want to go out with me? Do you still love me?"

"Oh course I do Victoria, I love you to pieces. Why would you ever doubt that?"

"I know, I'm sorry. It's just with everything going on we haven't had chance to spend time together properly and I miss you when your not around,"

"I'm sorry too, I take you for granted. You're the most amazing girl I could ever ask for and I should make more time for you,"

"I love you so much Leondre Antonio Devries,"

"I love you more princess Victoria. Don't ever forget that. No matter how busy I am, I will make more time for you. Especially when Emily goes back to New York,"

I'm happy that we've sorted everything out. I honestly don't know what I'd do without this boy. From his Nutella brown eyes to his amazing personality. I love him and I know that he loves me too.

A/N hey guys! Hope you liked this Chapter! Thank you millions for all your votes, comments and follows! If you ever need to talk, I'm always here💕
Love ya✌️

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