1-The Deal

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I've noticed new readers coming to this story, just a heads up that a much better written version is up! It updates once a month due to having a busy schedule. Miss those days where is update everyday, but that was during quarantine 🤷‍♀️

Katsuki had always struggled to find a nice place to live, and every time he did, he would always pay his rent late and then eventually gets kicked out. He's been living with his best friend Mina for two months now and he could barely pay the split rent with her. His job didn't pay well, all he does is sit down take orders and then money, eventually he quits. It was all he could do, though he is planning on becoming a barista at a coffee shop. He heard that it doesn't require much experience but he's been practicing just in case.

But today, Mina was practically bouncing with excitement and couldn't wait to tell Katsuki something that she knew he's been almost dying to hear.

"Oh my god, Kat! Look, my friend, Eijiro, just messaged me saying he's looking for a new roommate! He said that the rent is split between seven and they only have six people there, I think it's perfect for you! You've never spent enough time with guy friends!" Mina shouted happily, she hoped her friend took this opportunity to help set his life straight. She noticed how he's been looking for a second job and maybe moving in with other people could help. Plus, she knew that one of the roommates are super rich and could cover Katsuki if necessary.

"I'm not sure, I don't know any of these people except maybe Kirishima since I've seen him around a few times." He was actually pretty nervous to move in with a bunch of strangers, if he got to know them than that would be a different story.

Mina sighed, "I thought that would be the case..," her frown suddenly turned into a happy smile, "that's why I got you a date with six hot guys tomorrow, your so lucky!"

Katsuki's eyes widened, "What the fuck?! Why would you do that?!"

"Because I love you(as a friend), and you deserve to be happy. Do this for me, I'll be fine over here and you'll be better over there. Get to know these guys, I bet they're super fun!"

He knew couldn't argue with Mina, she'd always find a way to get it the way she wants it. Katsuki decided to hit the hay, it's was 9:50 p.m and he was exhausted.

Still, he couldn't believe he's doing this. It's currently 8 in the morning, he's getting ready to hang out with six men that could be murderers for all he knows. He knew he could trust Mina but he doubts even she knew them except for that guy with extremely shitty hair. He and Kirishima weren't necessarily friends, more like people who knew each other because of another's connection with them. So it wasn't like Katsuki ever spoke to the guy!

So yeah, he's going out with complete strangers, great, and it's all thanks to his friend Mina...great.

(Lol ima just make this Bakugou's POV cuz third person just isn't my thing anymore)

Anyways, it really sucks doing this, I'm an early bird so it's not the time that gets me frustrated, it's the fact that Mina said she wasn't coming. Bitch, why the fuck not, it was your idea in the first place! So, here I am, standing in front of a coffee shop awkwardly waiting for these mystery men to come and then hopefully leave. The shop opens at 10 and it's currently half past 9(9:30) so I did come a little early...NOT THAT I WAS EXCITED OR ANYTHING! I'm just really curious, that's all.

I mean, I guess I'm a little happy for this opportunity, it's only been two months but Mina's bills for higher because of me. I don't want to be a burden to her ever again, so I will take the vacant room even if these guys end up being slobs. I clean Mina's house in exchange to live there so cleaning wouldn't be much of a problem for me. Now, Mina told me that Kirishima lives in the house, she also gave me the names of the other men.

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