Chapter 9

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"Bloody hell you took your time y/n!" Ron states. I sit down on the sofa next to Hermoine and say "yeah I just thought seeming as it was so early and class was 2 hours away I would take a nice long shower-..." Ron cuts me off and then yells "Y/N WHAT IN THE MERLINS BEARD IS ON YOUR NECK!" Everyone's eyes go shooting to my neck and they're eyes widen. "I- I don't know what you mean." I put my hand on the side of my neck and stand up. "Ron's right you... is that..." Hermoine gasps loudly. "Y/n is that a hickey!" Everyone stands up and walks round to the side of my neck. "Bloody hell, mum isn't going to like that when we get home." Ron says with a cringing face. "Alright alright it's a hickey ok!" I say, smirking to myself as I picture Draco and that moment again. "From who?" Harry asks looking pretty sad but not sounding it in his voice. I smile and giggle "now that I'm not going to say! And don't even try getting it out of me." Ron and Hermoine smile and laugh while playfully slapping me. "I can't believe you! Y/n Weasley, miss goody two shoes got a hickey!" Hermoine says plonking herself back down in an armchair again. "Mum is going to kill you you know that right!" Ron says laughing. "I know but who cares right!" We all laugh and then notice Harry. "I'll leave you two alone for a bit but don't forget we have class soon!" Hermoine grabs Ron's arm and pulls him off to the dorms. I turn to Harry and put my hand on his arm."Harry are you ok?" I ask worried. He looks down at his lap and mumbles "I'm sorry for opening up to you yesterday. Your clearly involved with someone else and..." he trails off. "Harry stop apologizing seriously! I'm actually quite glad you opened up and I'm sure your glad too because you don't have to hide your feelings anymore-..."
"No y/n I do still have to hide them because you don't feel the same way back and by the look of your neck your already involved with someone." Harry snaps back at me. I just stare not knowing what to say and then he breaks the silence. "Just forget it y/n. I'll see you tomorrow" and with that he drags his feet out of the common room. Ron and Hermoine come down and sit either side of me. "We're so sorry y/n, he'll come around." I feel hot tears rolling down my face and I just stand up and walk out while wiping my tears away.

I reach transfiguration class and walk in. "Your late Miss Weasley" Professor Mcgonagall states while staring into my puffy red eyes. I raise my eyebrows while looking at the ground and slump into my chair. Draco turns around and mouths are you okay? With a concerned face. I nod slightly then open my book. "That's detention Miss Weasley I'm afraid." I do nothing and I see Draco frown in the corner of my eye. He turns back around and yells " YOU SUCK MCGONAGALL!" Throwing a piece of paper her way. "Excuse me mr Malfoy! That's detention for you and I will see you after class!" He turns his head and smirks at me. I look at him and give him a what are you doing look. He just winks and turns back around.

[Draco's POV]

I'm sitting in class fiddling with my wand (my actual wand, not whatever your thinking) when I hear footsteps behind me. I turn around and it's y/n but her eyes are bright red and puffy. "Your late miss Weasley." Professor Mcgonagall snaps. She just raises her eyebrows and sits down. I look back at her and just as she looks at me I mouth to her are you okay? With a concerned face. She just gives me a small nod. "That's detention miss Weasley I'm afraid." I look back at Mcgonagall. That's not fair! Can you not see she's clearly been in tears and you just stand there and give her a detention not fair! I think to myself. "YOU SUCK MCGONAGALL!" I hear myself yell and throw a piece of crumpled up paper her way. "Excuse me mr Malfoy! That's detention for you and I will see you after class!" I turn to look at y/n and smirk at her. She gives me a what are you doing look but I just wink and turn back around. All of a sudden there's a bash from the back of the classroom. Everyone whips their heads around and sees Harry bash his desk and storm out. I look at y/n who is now stood up rushing to the door crying. "Harry wait please!" She calls out. I stand up and chase after her. "Everyone come back now!" Mcgonagall yells from behind but no one listens.


There's a sudden bash at the back of the classroom and everyone whips their heads around and sees Harry bash his desk and storm out. I stand up and rush after him with pools of tears in my eyes. "Harry wait please!" I call out to him. I exit the classroom and Harry is no where to be seen. I lean against the wall and burst into tears. All of a sudden the doors open and Draco comes out. "Hey y/n what's happened?" He puts his hands on my arms reassuring me but before I could answer professor Mcgonagall comes bursting out. "What are you two- oh y/n are you ok?"
"She's fine, we just need to chat for a bit." Draco replies for me. "Hm very well, don't be too long out here as there is a class your supposed to be in waiting inside." Draco nods and she goes back inside. Every emotion in me goes numb as I look up into Draco's glistening, grey eyes. "Come on darling tell me what's happened." He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "The trio saw the hickey..." his eyes widen as he gulps. "And... did you erm..." he pulls both his hands away. "No no i would never, they just know I hooked up with someone."
"Ok good but they're going to want to know at some point you know that right." His eyes fill with worry. "I know. But the thing is after you shouted at professor Mcgonagall, Harry stormed out. I just can't help but think... do you think he knows that it was you...?" My wet eyes meet Draco's eyes as worry took over his face. "No he... he can't do... after that he could just think that we're mates. Right?"
"I don't know Draco, I really don't but I do know that we should probably get back to class." I reply with a heavy breath. "Yeah true but are you sure your alright?" He grabs one of my hands and holds it tight. "Yeah" I say with a sniff and a nod. "Yeah I'm ok thanks." I smile at him and he smiles back. He leans in, putting his left hand on the wall beside me and kissed me softly on the lips. "Let's go" he whispers.

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