Chapter 25

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"Uuhhhh" Draco pants as he rolls beside me on his bed. "Damn baby that was amazing." He turns his head towards me and smirks. Still catching my breath, I do the same and peck him on the lips before sitting up with my back towards him. I can't stop thinking about Crabbe and how disrespectful he was on the train. I just feel like I have to tell Draco, it feels wrong not to. I turn around to see Draco lying on his back staring up at the ceiling still out of breath. "Draco.." ok here it goes.
"Yes darling." He sits up and moves closer to me, kissing me on the cheek.
"I-..." I gulp and look down at my now sweaty fingers. Draco brushes a piece of my hair away from my face and examines it intently.

"You know how I said to you that i got this red mark on my face by walking into a bathroom door." I could feel my body heating up with nerves. "Yeah..." Draco replies concerned.
"Well that's not exactly how I got it..." I look deeply into his eyes.
"What do you mean?" His voice soft against my ear.
I gulp again and regain my confidence. "So on the train here I went to the bathroom but on the way out I was unpleasantly greeted by Crabbe..."
"What do you mean unpleasantly?" Draco's face becomes confused.
"He was smoking weed and to me he seemed pretty high. Remember that okay, he seemed pretty high. Well he walked up to me and the first thing he said was "Hello there b'utiful."" I scan Draco's eyes for any sort of anger but there wasn't, just eager to hear more. "Go on." He says.

"Well then I ignored the fact he called me beautiful and asked if he was smoking weed and he replied with "that a problem sweetheart?"" I take a breath and carry on. "I told him to not call me that and that he's supposed to be your best friend and then threatened him on what you would say if you found out." I stop talking and Draco as well doesn't say a word so I begin to speak again. "I- uh, then he gave me a glare and said "Oh that dick won't care, besides no ones going to tell him anyway isn't that right darling!" He then leant both his arms beside my head getting closer so I told him to get off me and completely flailed to push him away." At this point Draco was spiked up and sitting further away from me with anger growing on his. Oh godric... angry Draco is not a good side. "He replied with a slap around my face and spat "Don't you dare talk to me like that you filthy little Gryffindor, I don't even know why I helped Draco get back together with you. He's too good for a filthy piece of shit like you." And then with that he took another puff of his cigarette and threw it out the window."

I finish telling him what happened and before I could read the expression plastered on Draco's face he is already up getting changed. "Draco what are you doing?" I ask my voice risen and shaky.
"I'm going to ask Crabbe WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS THINKING." He yells back grabbing his wand and heading to the door. I slip on my dress and run out of the dorm chasing after Draco, forgetting that I'm completely comando. I just about see Draco swiftly march round the corner and out of the common room. I run after him but it's too late. He reaches the assembly hall and bursts open the doors with anger firing up inside of him. Oh fuck, angry Draco can get dangerous... Draco rushes towards the Slytherin table and grabs Crabbe by the collar, pulling him up out of his seat. "WHAT THR FUCK WERE YOU THINKING YOU ABSOLUTE DICK!" Draco screams in Crabbes face. "YOU THINK HITTING ON MY GIRLFRIEND WOULD BE FUNNY DID YOU?" Crabbe was more than scared. He was stupefied, he was paralyzed with fear. "AND HOW DARE YOU FUCKING SLAP HER!"Draco screams one last time. Every single pair of eyes glared from around the hall at the unplanned scene in shock. I stand by the entrance watching, not wanting to get anymore involved but things start to get physical. Draco drops Crabbe to the ground and begins to punch the daylights out of him. Draco, who doesn't seem to care that every teacher is now trying to pull him off,  just continues to sit on top of Crabbe and beat the shit out of him with a few tears running down his face. I just stand there in complete shock watching my broken boyfriend go mental on his own best friend. I feel so bad for poor Draco.

The teachers finally manage to pull him off and he glared down at his unconscious, messed up friend who he had just used as a punching bag. The teachers drag Draco out of the hall past me and my eyes lock with his, huge amounts of pain and tears fill his beautiful eyes. He looks down in shame and the teachers take him to Professor Dumbledores office.

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