Chapter 11

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Hey all I added a song at the top that I thought would work pretty well with the steamy scenes so when listening to the song you could read the parts that you think go with the song. Enjoy ;)

We reach the transfiguration classroom hand in hand and then let go as we nearer the door. "You first my lady." Draco gestures in and then follows on behind. "Why thank you kind sir." I curtsy and we laugh while walking in. "Ah miss Weasley, Mr Malfoy your here." Professor Mcgonagall calls out from the front of the class at her desk. She pulls her glasses down and glares from over the top of them as we made our way to the front seats. "Oh no no no you two are most certainly not sitting next to each other in detention."

"Malfoy, there and you, Weasley, there." She puts Draco on the same row but on the other side of the walkway, dividing the class room in half. We both look at each other as we sit down getting our spell book out. "Right, now I know I can trust you two, well one of you at least." She looks over at me as she says that. "I have to go to a staff meeting so you two behave!"
"We will professor Mcgonagall don't worry!" I reassure her with a friendly smile even though I know for a fact something is going to happen.

She leaves the room and as soon as the door slams Draco bolts over to my desk and kisses me passionately on the lips while pulling me up to my feet. "Draco I-..."
"Sshh" he puts his index finger on my lips. His cold ring pressed against them. Damn that's hot... I think to myself. He then pulls me to the side and swipes everything off the table in one wish of his wand. "I've always wanted to do that" he looks back at me smiling which a shrug. He then crashes his body against mine and sucks on my neck. "Hey careful of that, your last mark still hasn't gone yet." I tell him. "I'll just focus on your lips and tits then." He replies with a wink. He picks me up by the legs and places me on the table. His hands graze my thighs as our lips suck each other's. He leans in towards me more and I place my arm round his neck supporting myself from falling backwards. My other hand is holding me up on the table and Draco's hand moves round my back also supporting me. I sit back up and he loosens my tie. He then does the same with his but takes his off. I undo a few of my top buttons showing my bra and Draco does the same but to show his muscular chest.

He leans back in and we kiss which feels like its lasting forever (I'm not complaining) and when it ends I'm left wanting more. "You are so beautiful darling." His hands moving from my thighs to my waist. "Oh shut up and make out with me again!" I moan back at him. I pull him in and lean back while pulling him with me. His hand moves to my back, supporting me once again and we just stay and make out. His hands move up and down my thighs slowly and when we pull back up, my hands wrap round the back of his head playing with his hair slightly. Butterflies fill my stomach, my nails digging into the back of his t-shirt. Draco starts doing light kisses down my chest to my tits and he un does my shirt slowly while looking up at me. He pulls up my bra and kisses softly around my nipple. He then goes straight in and sucks my nipple hard. Then he sucks hard around my nipple and I could feel a bruise appearing.

We go back to making out again and Draco's bulge starts bashing on my wet pussy. Half way through a kiss I giggle and he stops and looks at me. "What?" He says kind of rudely. "Nothing nothing." I say biting my lip looking down at his huge bulge. He follows my eyes and then laughs. "Hey that's your fault!" His hands slide round my waist and we stare into each other's eyes. "I love you y/n." Draco sort of whispered. Did Draco just say what I think he just said .... did he just... wait. I sit motionless unable to process what he had just said when we hear someone coming. "Quick someone's coming!" I state. We quickly do up our uniform and sit down in our chairs and open our books.

It was Professor Mcgonagall.
"Oh you two are in the right seats. Well I am very proud of you two! Thank you for being so responsible." Professor Mcgonagall says walking towards the front of the class. "Your thirty minutes is up and you may leave. Have a nice evening you two!"
"Thank you Professor, you too!" I call out while walking to the door. "Well that was an adventure wasn't it" Draco says with a bit of a laugh. "Yeah never made out in a classroom before, feels kinda, naughty." I reply. "Oh if you take that attitude back to my dorm missy, you wouldn't last ten minutes!" Draco gives his famous eyebrow raise and smirk at the same time. I bite my lip and smile. "Try me" I say. "Oh your just asking for it now darling!" Draco says closer to my face. I laugh and say "c'mon we should probably get going, we have assembly."

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