Chapter 28

439 16 5

Warning: alcohol misuse.

Everyone's faces drop as they all look at Draco and I. I can see Draco in the corner of my eye tensing up and ready to punch if anything happens. I just nod my head and walk into the compacted room with Harry. Harry, as soon as we get in, pounces onto me like a lion on prey. I push him off forcefully and give him a quizzical look. "What are you doing?" I whisper shout. "Well if we don't do it then we'll get a very unpleasant pain somewhere for an hour. And I know for a fact that we both don't want that!" He replies in an obvious tone.
"So? I would much rather have that then cheat on my boyfriend even if it is a game." Harry glares back at me and lets out a heavy breath. "Alright I can't argue with that. But what are we going to do? We can't tell them that we didn't do it otherwise we will have to do a fore fit much worse." Harry inquires, fixing his glasses back onto his nose at the same time. "I'll just pull Draco out and explain to him, I can't promise you he'll believe me but I will try and at least stop him from doing anything stupid to you." Harry is just about to reply when a shout comes from outside the room. "I can't hear much snogging going on in there!" I roll my eyes and look back at Harry with a begging face. He sighs and nods his head.

I place the back of my hand against my lips and start sucking on it. "Oh Harry!" I moan while making really wet noises with my mouth on my hand. Harry turns away and huffs loudly. "Oh you like that huh?" Harry also then kisses the back of his hand. A few minutes pass and I notice i have made a light hickey on my own hand. "Alright you two times up!" Neville yells. Harry and I let out a huge sigh of relief and step out of the room. My gaze instantly falls on Draco who is sitting glaring at the both of us malevolently with his fists tightened into a ball of anger. I look back at him pleading with my eyes to not do anything stupid. "Wow you two really sounded like you were going for it in there! What did you do to her Harry? Finger her? Just make out?" Neville asks Harry as he sits down. "Shut up Neville" Harry hisses through gritted teeth while not taking his eyes off of me. Draco hearing this, bolts up to his feet and storms out of the room with his whiskey, which is almost finished, and slams the door behind him. "Draco please!" I call after him.

"Draco! Draco listen to me!" He doesn't reply and continues to walk down the corridor. "DRACO LUCIUS MALFOY YOU TURN AROUND THIS INSTANT AND LISTEN TO ME!" He stops in his tracks and spins around. He pauses for a moment before striding towards me with full speed and when he reaches me he pours his whiskey all over my head. I stand there not believing what he has just done before looking up at him. His face showing no sign of regret. He throws the bottle onto the floor with infuriating anger and it smashes into a million shards making me jump a little. "What happened in that room y/n, you tell me now!" His voice harsh and sharp unlike usual when he's talking to me.
I look back up from the shards of glass on the floor and examine his face fearfully. "Draco Nothing happened i- AH!" I wince as a shooting pain travels up my left arm. "Draco nothing happened in that room I swear! AGH fuck!" I squeeze my arm tight as I realise that this is what I get for not doing the dare.
"Y/n what are you doing?" Draco asks with confusion. "Draco like I said I didn't do the dare, so I guess this is what I get in return." I look up into his eyes which are fulfilled with pain and vexation. "Your lying." He groans. My mouth gapes open in shock as I stand in front of him, covered in his whiskey, absolutely flabbergasted. "Excuse me?!" I screech.

"Your lying. I could see by the way you two looked when you came out and the sounds you were making in that room." Draco spat back trying to make a point.
"Draco it was all fake! We were both sucking on our hands and just saying things so the others would believe it!" I begin to lose my temper as so does Draco. He replies with an obnoxious look and then marches back into the room of requirement. "Potter!" Draco snaps, walking straight through the circle grabbing Harry up by his collar. "Draco stop please! Put him down!" I cry out from behind. "What happened in that room scar head?!" Draco pulls him up close to him harshly and Harry gulps in fear. "N..nothing" Harry stutters. Great Harry, thanks for stuttering because you definitely don't sound like your a terrible liar I think as I mentally slap him. "Prove it!" Draco hisses back, dropping Harry back down to the ground. Harry looks at me for reassurance and luckily I get the hint. I take a look at my hand and see the mark is still there from where I just sucked on it. "Draco look at my hand. There's a red mouth mark where I just sucked." Draco goes silent and looks up at me still not entirely convinced. "I have the same" Harry adds. Draco turns round and takes a look at Harry's hand as well before turning back to me. "Nothing happened?" He asks, softer this time.

"Draco I would never ever cheat on you, even if it was a game. I love you so much and I never want to hurt you or lose you!" I lift my hand up to his cheek and stroke it gently. "It's true" Harry states. "In the room she said to me 'I would much rather have the pain then cheat on my boyfriend even if it is a game.'" Draco's face softens and looks ashamed. "I'm so sorry i doubted you darling. I love you so much and I just.. I'm so sorry." I pull Draco into a tight hug and sit back down. "So you two never even did the dare? Well where's the pain then?!" Ron says pointing at me and Harry.
"Mines in my left arm" I reply.
"And mines in my left foot" Harry also replies.
"Oh.. right." Ron comments.
"Anywho, my turn!" Hermione shouts eagerly, changing the subject. "Truth or dare Ron."
"Er truth" Ron answers, regretting his response already. He takes a swig of the truth potion and sits up straight ready for the question.
"Did you enjoy our kiss?" She asks him while biting her bottom lip.
Ron's stutters before letting it all out. Too much in fact. "Hell Hermione you have no idea how long I've been wanting to do that for, I've loved you since fourth year and that kiss was just magical. I loved it! I lo..." Ron snaps out of the truth potion and stares around the circle in complete and utter embarrassment. "Sorry." He mumbles. Hermione blushes and looks at her lap.

"Alright my turn!" Harry declares drunkenly. "Y/n truth or dare?" He asks me.
I grit my teeth together and say "dare." Harry smirks and looks to Draco. "I dare you, to whisper the most sexiest pick up line you know in Draco's ear." My eyes widen and then soften when they meet Draco's gaze. "Oh I have a perfect one for this." I state pulling Draco closer towards my body. " Your body is made up of 70% water. . . and I'm thirsty." I whisper seductively into his ear while biting my bottom lip. I could feel Draco freeze in his spot as I pull away with a wink. All of a sudden, Draco grabs hold of my wrist and his rum and hoists me to my feet before dashing over to the door. However, before he exits he spins round and hisses "she's mine so hands off you fuckers." And with that he turns back around and pulls me out of the room in a rush. I giggle and let him drag me to his dorm.

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