Chapter 16

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I walk Harry back to the common room where Hermione and Ron are waiting impatiently. "Y/n, Harry your back!" Hermione jumps out of her seat and comes straight over. I walk Harry over to the sofas and gently lay him down. "Is he ok?" Ron asks me. "He's fine thanks to Snape, however I do have detention for a week with Draco." I scoff and plonk myself down on an individual arm chair. "Oh yeah about that slimy git, what's going on between you two?" Ron asks irritatingly. I sigh realising this is going to be a huge mistake. "Long story short I thought it would be fun to tease Draco showing him what he couldn't get but then after detention once, things got further than I thought they would and yes after some classes and in detention we would make out, things would get steamy and you know we would feel things... until those "things" turned into love. Yes I do love Draco whether he still feels the same way or not..." I trail off thinking about whether I should say the next part or not but I decide not to in case Draco doesn't want anyone knowing what he's going to be doing in 5 days, well I mean his father did say in the letter to him not to tell anyone so...

"We are so sorry y/n! We had no idea that you two had such strong feelings for each other and we had no idea that you two were so.. close." Hermione comes over and sits next to me, cramming her tiny body next to mine. "Well I did... do but I don't know if Draco did and or still does." I mumble quietly, hanging my head low in my hands, thinking about Draco and his gorgeous body until my daydream is broken by Harry.
"I'm so sorry for earlier y/n I don't know what came over me. I was irate and annoyed at the both of you but I also did get high before hand trying to forget my worries about all this which probably didn't help either." Harry apologised, sitting up on the sofa. "Harry what you did was selfish and erroneous. I know you love me in a way that I don't and I understand why you would be sad but that doesn't give you the right to do what you did. You just costed mine and Draco's relationship because of your selfishness and it's going to take a lot more than just an apology for me to forgive you for what you did." I say back to Harry, not stuttering a single word. Harry's face sinks as he sinks back into the sofa. "Y/n can we talk to you outside quick?" Hermione stands up and gestures to the door. "Erm yeah sure." I make my way to the common room door with Ron and Hermione following behind me.

"Y/n, Harry loves you so very much and you know that. He would never EVER do what he did to you on purpose even if he was hurt or jealous. I get that he was high at the time but that doesn't give off that type of effect-.."
"Which is why we were thinking that maybe Harry drank a truth potion before hand whether by accident or not we don't know but that would explain why he was bloody shooting the truth out left right and centre." Ron had rudely interrupted Hermione, finishing her sentence for her. " yes Ron. That's what I was going to say before you uncivilly interrupted me!" She said between gritted teeth and then slapped him hard on the arm. "Ouch! How can someone so small like you slap so bloody hard!" Ron yells, wincing in pain. I smile at both of them cheesily while putting my interlocked hands to my chin and staring at the two of them. "What?!" Hermione says sternly. "Oh nothiiing. Definitely not watching the both of you be huge flirts with each other." I giggle. "Oh shut up y/n! Your so annoying you know that!" Ron wines. "I know hehe, that's what sisters do." I pull a face at him and he rolls his eyes back. "Come on guys, we should probably return back to Harry now." Hermione grabs the both of our arms and pushes us back into the common room to see the room completely empty and still. Harry was gone. But where to?

[Draco's POV]

I march out of the Slytherin common room leaving Pansy discombobulated behind me and I make my way down the echoey corridors and up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room. I reach the corridor that leads to Gryffindor common room when I hear voices echoing down the isolated corridor. I slow down my pace and peak round the corner. "Y/n, Harry loves you so very much and you know that. He would never EVER do what he did to you on purpose even if he was hurt or jealous. I get that he was high at the time but that doesn't give off that type of effect-.." it's Y/n, Weasle and Mudblood. Harry's in love with y/n?! And she knows... how come she hasn't accepted that and dated him already? Weasle and squirrel sound like they're trying to get y/n with him and I mean come on of course she's going to go with it, he's the "chosen one." I think to myself as I come back around from the corner and lean on the wall. Maybe this was a bad idea. Clearly she's over me by the sounds of her happiness and the way she talks about Harry. I turn away and walk sluggishly to another empty corridor to sit and be with my own thoughts for a while.

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