Chapter 17

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I make my way to an empty stone bench and sit down, placing my legs along it as I lean side ways against the wall. What have I done. This is all my fault. It's been a day and I miss her already. What has this girl done to me. My thoughts cloud my mind until someone appears from round the corner. "Draco?" Crabbe says questionably. "Crabbe?" I reply.
"What are you doing here and why do you look so fucking depressed. Draco are you ok?" He walks closer and slides his hands into his pockets. I swing my legs off the bench and lean my arms on my thighs as I twiddle with my fingers. "I'm fine Crabbe." I say quite rudely. "Alright geez I was just asking. I don't think I've ever seen you so down in the many years I have known you." Crabbe says sounding quite worried.

I can't take these feelings and thoughts anymore, I feel like I need to let them out. I can trust Crabbe, maybe I should just tell him.

I zone out deliberating my response. "Crabbe I can trust you right?" I ask finally breaking out of my thoughts. "Yeah why?" His eyebrows furrow downwards. "So there's this girl... and she makes me feel a way I have never felt before and I think I might have just lost her..." tears start to form in my tired eyes but I hold them back trying not to look weak. "Oh... oh is this something to do with what I heard earlier outside in the grounds?" Crabbe walks over to the cold, stone bench and sits beside me. My eyes stay facing forward staring at the plain brick wall in front of us.
"Please please don't tell anyone any of this or you will regret ever being friends with me." I say the last bit through gritted teeth and turn to face him. "No no I swear on merlins beard I won't tell anyone, this is clearly important to you because I've never seen you like this before." Crabbes voice quietens.

I begin to explain everything that's happened with y/n from the start while trying to hold back many tears.

"Wow... I- I had no idea Draco I'm so sorry to hear!" Crabbe says softly while staring into space. "I need your help Crabbe, I need to get her back before she gives in and dates bloody Potter." I whimper. Crabbe looks at me with sympathy plastered all over his face. "Don't give me that sympathetic look Crabbe, I don't fucking need sympathy I just need help!" My voice going deep.
"Alright alright bloody hell I'll help you but what do you want me to do?"
I look away and enter my thoughts again. I need to do something amazing to win her back. Maybe I could tease her slightly every time I see her so- BINGO! 💡
"Crabbe!" I lift my head up to face him sharply, my face lighting up. "Draco!" Crabbe imitates. "I've just had a brilliant idea! Tomorrow evening we will set up a picnic by the quidditch pitch with candles and everything. Make it really romantic! Then I'll wait there while you go get y/n and tell her that there's someone waiting for her and it's important. You bring her to me and leave us there alone together. Throughout the day when I see her I'll tease her slightly causing her to want me more so by the time she sees me in the evening she should be craving my touch!" I say excitedly. "Draco that's brilliant! Let me know the details tomorrow morning and we'll plan it throughout the day." Crabbe also says excitedly. Yes I'm finally going to get my innocent little Gryffindor back.

But when It's time for me to leave... it's going to break her heart even more...

[Y/n POV]

"Ugh where could he be?" Hermione moans looking around the common room. "I don't know, there's no where to go! Wait a minute..." I slow down my words and stop to realise something. "what?" Ron asks.
"We left the door slightly open, he has his invisibility cloak! He could've slipped through past us." I state.
"Ugh seriously Harry! He could bloody be anywhere!" Ron slumps down on the sofa looking pretty fed up. "We'll come on then we have to go find him!" Hermione drags us once again out the door and down the corridor. We get to a small, frigid corridor and see Draco sitting with Crabbe looking very pleased with themselves. He looks up and sees Hermione and Ron giving him death stares and his face drops. He doesn't say anything, instead he looks back down at the floor. "I'll catch up later guys, go find Harry." I say to Ron and Hermione before walking over to Draco as they run off round the corner.

I plonk myself next to him on the bench and Crabbe stands up as soon as I sit. "Right I better be off, I'll catch you later Draco" Crabbe then turns and walks off. We sit and stare at the empty, candle lit corridor in silence until I break it. "Hey." I say quietly. Draco looks up at me. "Hey" he replies. "How have you been?" The atmosphere was different and more awkward than usual. "Not good, you?" His voice going deep. "Same to be honest. We made Harry seriously sad and now we have lost him because when we went out of the common room he was there but when we went back in he was gone." Draco looks back down at the floor after I say this and he mumbles something under his breath but I couldn't quite hear what he said. "I'm sorry?" I ask. "Hm oh no I didn't say anything." He replies and then stands up. I look up at him as he bends down to whisper in my ear. "Nice to see you again y/n but maybe next time it could be longer and a little less talking." his breath tickles my neck as he speaks. He stands back up straight and winks at me before striding off down the corridor powerfully. He turns towards me when he reaches the corner and bites his bottom lip while making serious eye contact. He does this while walking backwards until he's gone. Merlin why the fuck does he have to be so hot...

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