Chapter 10

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[Harry's POV]

Y/n arrives late to transfiguration class. I just sit at the back of the class flicking through my book not bothering to see what going on when professor Mcgonagall snaps "that's a detention miss Weasley I'm afraid ." My head quickly shoots upwards to look at y/n. Y/n, getting a detention?that's not like her at all! I think to myself. Then in the corner of my eye I see Malfoy lean towards her from the other side of the room. I see him mouth something to her with worry on his face. I furrow my eyebrows as I watch intensely. Y/n nods her head to whatever Malfoy mouthed to her and then all of a sudden he yells "YOU SUCK MCGONAGALL!" And throws a scrunched up piece of paper at Professor Mcgonagall. Oh my god. Is he mad at her for giving y/n a detention?! Are they... friends?! I cringe at the thought then found myself bashing my desk and storming out the classroom. I stomp down the hall and round the corner and punched the rock hard wall in anger. Ouch! I clench my fist with my other hand and wince in pain quietly. "Why did I just punch a fricken wall" I murmured to myself. I then take a breather and walk round the corner and that's when I see it... Draco leaning his hand on the wall beside   y/n and their lips touching. I can't believe it... are they... together? Then I gasp in my head. WAS HE THE ONE WHO GAVE Y/N THAT HICKEY?! I blink a few times and then they disappear back into the classroom not noticing me. Do i tell Hermoine and Ron? Have y/n and Draco told anyone? Are they even together though? So many questions came flooding into my head and I only decided to answer one. I can't tell anyone what I just saw until I find out more information ... I then make my way to the infirmary holding my wrist taught with my other hand.


Transfiguration class was just a mess. I couldn't concentrate as I had the thought of Draco and Harry my head, the thought of what if the trio found out about me and Draco hooking up. It was just a mess.

I sit on a stone bench in the grounds and pull out a green apple when Draco comes over. "Ooo green apples my favourite!" He smiles. "Here go ahead" I say chucking him the apple. "I wasn't going to eat it anyway." I just look at the floor and begin thinking again. Then all of a sudden this hand waves in front of my eyes. "Hello earth to y/n!" Draco calls. I snap out of my daydreaming and turn to Draco with my head in my hand. "Sorry, just thinking." I reply. "Ooo thinking about what? Thinking about earlier in the shower because I can not stop thinking about it either with your perfect body..." he trails his hands round the back of my waist and kisses my neck. "Stop it stop it stop it!" I pull his hands off and stand up. His face confused and also kind of angry at the way I just spoke to him. "I'm sorry but I can't do this anymore! My head hurts from all this worrying about people finding out and it's hurting Draco it's hurting!" I burst into tears as Draco stands up and wraps his arms around me and pulls my head into his chest with his hand placed on it. God he smells amazing! I think to myself. "Hurting!" I mumble into his chest. He lets out a little laugh as he pulls away. "Everything is going to be ok  y/n trust me. Listen." He puts his index finger under my chin and lifts it up softly. I stare into his beautiful grey eyes and from that I know everything's going to be alright. With our faces inches away he says "no one will find out that we have hooked up ok. All they will find out is that we are now friends and nothing more." His thumb rubs a tear away from my cheek before kissing me gently on the lips. We pull away and smile. "Draco. When I am with you, everything feels like it's going to be okay and I feel so... safe." I watch him blush a little before he does his famous smirk. "That's what I'm here for. Keeping you safe and pleasured." He winks and we both laugh. "You know I always thought that deep down somewhere in you there was some niceness and I was right. Your literally just the most sweetest, caring, sexiest guy I know and I just wanted to say thank you for being there for me when I was at my lowest." He blushes even more and then a big smile creeps up onto his face. "Now I'm not usually good at this soppy stuff..." he grabs both of my hands and holds them delicately in his. "But when I look at you y/n my heart beats a thousand times faster and my stomach feels like it does a million backflips. You make me feel a way no other girl has never made me feel before and I cherish that. That's why I never want to lose you y/n." Awwwwww! "Your never going to lose me Draco!" I give him a reassuring smile then letting go of one of his hands and squeezing the other. "C'mon, we have a detention to get to."

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