Chapter 26

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[Draco's POV]

I listen intently to y/n as she explains what happened earlier on the train. I can't actually believe what I'm hearing... how could Crabbe betray me like that! I think to myself, possibly accidentally showing the anger on my face. She finishes explaining and before I know it I stand up unhesitatingly off the bed and get changed. "Draco what are you doing?" Y/n asks in a shaky voice.
"I'm going to ask Crabbe WHAT THE FUCK HE WAS THINKING." I shout, slipping my robe on and storming out of my dorm while grabbing my wand on the way. "Draco!" I hear y/n call but my anger seems to takes over me, I don't respond and just carry on marching to the hall. I hear her quick footsteps following behind me but they soon stop when I come to a halt at the doors to the hall. I can feel y/n staring at me, pleading with her eyes for me not to open the doors but once again my anger takes over me. I ignore her pleads and push the doors open with all my force and every pair of eyes turn their heads to face me.

I race over to the Slytherin table where Crabbe is and pull him up aggressively by his collar. "WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING YOU ABSOLUTE DICK!" I scream in Crabbes face. His face petrified with fear, I've never seen him so scared of me before. "YOU THINK HITTING ON MY GIRLFRIEND WOULD BE FUNNY DID YOU?" I scream once again. "AND HOW FUCKING DARE YOU SLAP HER!" No sound escapes from Crabbes mouth so I throw him to the ground and begin to use him as a punching bag. I just keep punching him and slamming him down on the hard floor. Every teacher in the hall tries to pull me off of him but that doesn't stop me. Until I look at my fist. My knuckles are bright red and covered in blood, my hand completely shaking. I stare down at Crabbe, who is now unconscious with blood drowning his face and ruining his clothes. Oh merlin... I... I did that. To my (thought so) best friend! I feel a bunch of arms pull me up but this time I let them. I don't take my gaze off Crabbe until I turn around and get dragged out of the hall by Professor McGonagall and Snape. On my way out my eyes meet y/n's. She looks disappointed but also sorry. Not being able to look at her without crying, I look back at the ground all the way to Dumbledores office.

We reach the door of Dumbledores office and Professor McGonagall knocks on it a few times. A loud but gruff voice shouts back from inside. "Come in!" We enter and I get shoved into a single chair in front of an empty desk which Professor Dumbledore is crouched behind. "Ah sorry about that I was just putting away my paperwork. So what's happened here?" Dumbledore says.
"Well we had a very unpleasant welcome from Mr Malfoy half way through assembly, which he should have been attending anyway. He twent over to Mr Crabbe and shouted at him before using Mr Crabbe as a human punching bag." Professor McGonagall replies with a disappointed tone. Dumbledore gives me a stern look. "Draco what was the need of this?" He says harshly.
"He fucking hit on my girlfriend! And then slapped her round the fucking face! She's still got the mark now." I yell, unable to control my language. "Language Draco!" Dumbledore orders. I just roll my eyes and look at the ground. "You do know how much trouble this could get you in Mr Malfoy? You could be excluded for this kind of behavior. However, this is  your warning and you now know the consequences if this happens again so instead you will be having detention with Professor Snape for two weeks."
"WHAT! No way!" I scream while jolting forward in my chair. "Would you rather worse Draco?" Dumbledore glares at me from over the top of his glasses. I sigh and roll my eyes again. "Fine two weeks. Can I go now?"
"Yes you are dismissed. Let this be a warning for you Draco." Dumbledore says before I walk out with Professor McGonagall and Snape behind me.

[Y/n POV]

I follow behind Draco, Snape and Professor McGonagall to Dumbledores office and wait outside when they go in. All of a sudden the statue moves again and the stairs start descending. I see a glance of Draco making his way down the stairs before I rush over and hide behind a pillar. Professor McGonagall and Snape whisper with Draco before departing from him leaving him to break down against the wall on the floor. I wait until the two Professors have disappeared before running over to Draco and pulling him into a tight hug, giving him a slight shock. "Hey it's ok, I'm here now." I whisper.
"What is wrong with me?" Draco questions between sobs. "Hey, hey Draco look at me. Look at me Draco." He looks up and his eyes are all puffy from crying. I place my index finger underneath his chin and look into his glistening, drowned eyes. "There's nothing wrong with you baby. I promise you." I give him a slightly quick kiss and pull away to see him smile slightly. Draco leans his head on my shoulder and his sobs begin to stop. "Hey baby?" Draco lifts his head from my shoulder and looks straight at my lips. "Yes?" He replies softly.
"Me, Hermione, Ron, Harry and some boy that Hermiones made friends with might be playing truth or dare later, wanna join?" I start to play with his soft hair as he rests his head back on my shoulder. "Nah I'm not really in the mood right now." He mumbles. "Oh come on Draco it'll take your mind off things and it'll be fun!" I state trying to get him to say yes. He laughs a little and replies "ok yeah sure why not." I smile and push him up from my shoulder gently. "Come on, let's get you to the infirmary and get your hand sorted out." I pull Draco up and he wraps his arm around my waist gripping it tight as we walk.

Imagine... 😪💔

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