Chapter 36

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[Draco's POV]

I'm finally let out of the infirmary and the first person I want to find is y/n.

I traverse round the halls to the great hall and notice Hermione, Harry and Ron all sitting together but y/n isn't there. As much as I hate to talk to them, I march over and slam my hand on the table beside Harry scaring the shit out of him. "Have any of you seen y/n?" I question vociferously. As I lean over Harry I notice Hermione lowering her head. "She stormed out crying. I'm pretty sure she'd be at the astronomy tower." I just about make out what she says and I take my hand off of the table and go to head off before Ron calls out. "Looking smart ferret." I roll my eyes as I clench my fists causing my knuckles to go white. Don't do it draco, he's your girlfriends brother. I release my fists and make my way to the astronomy tower.

As I'm making my way up the stairs I hear whimpering and muffle voices. "For fucksake."
"Don't Jump."

"Y/n?" Was she thinking about jumping... shit.
She spins around looking very startled and pale. Her eyes red and puffy from the crying, bags under her bloodshot eyes and her cheeks flushed a rose colour. She wipes her cheeks and puts on the most fakest smile I know.
"Draco you're out!" She muffles.
"Is everything alright darling?" I ask inquisitively, raking my hand through my platinum blonde hair as I stroll towards her worried.
"Yeah, yeah no everything's fine." She smiles again but I know for a fact that it's fake, I know her smile and that's not it. She tilts her head upwards meeting my eyes.

"I love you." I whisper, making sure she knows that she has someone here with her and that she's not alone. I delicately place my index finger underneath her chin lifting it slightly higher.
"I love you too Draco." She whispers back as her blue/brown/grey/green eyes meet mine and I can tell there's pain drowning in them.
"Yeah you do." I snicker and kiss her passionately on the lips. The kiss lasts at least 3 minutes however near the end of it I  slide my hand against her soft thigh and up her skirt towards her already wet pussy. She gasps at the sudden insensible touch and i pull away from the kiss. "You look so beautiful in this moonlight." I initiate in a whisper as my fingers push aside her damp underwear. "Draco..." She moans out, wrapping her arm around my neck. Damn it doesn't take much for her to moan my name.

"That's it baby, say my name. Scream it. Let the whole world know your mine." I slide my fingers in between her dripping folds, rubbing circles on her clit with my thumb. "Fuck your so wet for me." I also moan out as i slide my finger inside of her causing her to jolt a little. She lets out a slight whimper and squeezes her eyes shut and she begins to obsequiously buck her hips against my finger.

I don't  mess around as I'm a fucker and i Insert two more fingers and that's when her moans start. She grabs hold of my wrist and pushes my fingers in harder as i suck vigorously on her neck leaving dark purple bruises all over. "Go on baby let loose, scream in pleasure." I muffle into the crook of her pale neck. 
Her mouth gapes open as she continues to sorely thrust my  fingers inside of her, causing her to moan heavier. This girl really knows how to break me. My pants become abjectly tight but I try my hardest not to look down.  "Draco baby I'm gonna cum..." her legs give way as she lets out a huge moan. "dracoooo." She screams as she cums all over my fingers and then collapses on the floor in prostration. I crouch down to her level on the ground and I hold my fingers, that are covered in her sweet juices, up to my mouth.

"That was hot." I state before sliding all three of my fingers into my mouth one by one sucking off all of her juices. "Your so naughty Draco." She giggles out of breath. "And your so hot darling. Works both ways you know." I pull her up and hug her tighter then I have ever hugged her before. "Next time don't lie to me about being "okay"." I kiss both of her hands before winking and taking her hand, clasping it tight in mine.
"Come on let's go." I initiate pulling her with me.


"Draco where are we going?" She asks me with a giggle as I keep my hand over her eyes blocking her view and my hand around her waist guiding her. "Now why would I tell you that baby? That would just ruin the surprise." I whisper into her ear and I watch her blush a pale shade of pink.
"We're here." I initiate, stopping but still keeping my hand over her eyes playfully. She nudges me off with a giggle and then pauses as she sees the view before her. "Draco... it's beautiful!" She gasps as she stares off at the sunset that's setting slowly over the hills.

"Draco..." she turns to face me and holds both of my clammy hands in hers. "Y/n darling I couldn't think of a more romantic place to do this other than the grounds of Hogwarts."
I could see her eyes follow my shaking hands as i let go of hers a reach into my pocket pulling out a small maroon box. Fuck here it goes. What if she says no? Oh just shut up Draco and get on with it. Who cares if she says no right?....
I hear her inhale sharply as I pull the box out fully.
"Y/n the first time I met you, you made my heart beat a million times faster everytime I saw you and you still do. Darling, you are the first person I have ever felt feelings of love towards and when I first felt it I was scared and the feelings were abnormal to me. You helped me believe in love and realise that there is good in the world. Because of you I laugh, I smile and I dare to dream more than I ever have. You are the love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend. Baby you have no idea how much I love you and how much you have changed me  over the years and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So..."
I kneel down on one knee and open the maroon box to reveal the emerald ring that I bought with my father.

"Y/n Weasley, will you marry me?"

Her eyes widen and her hands cup over her mouth then tears begin to drown her eyes. My face drops, frightened of the answer. Shit she doesn't look happy. Fuck fuck fuck I'm such a-

"Yes!" My head bolts up to meet her eyes and my face lightens up again. "I... di..." is all I can get out. "Yes Draco Malfoy I'll marry you!" She cries out again and I rush to my feet, tears forming in my eyes now too, and I pull the ring out of the box and slide it onto her finger softly. "I love you so much y/n." I grab her neck and pull her into the most magical kiss ever and when it ends we both gasp for air and lean our foreheads together. "I love you too Draco." She whispers and our breaths collide in between us before blowing out into the fresh night air that wraps around us like a blanket.

And once again I cried so hard while making this. It doesn't take much to be honest 😂.
I really hope you are all liking the way this story is going and don't forget to press the star as it makes my day :)

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