Chapter 23

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"Gone missing!!" Hermione screeches. "Why would she run away like this??"
"Like I said, could be because of Draco leaving. She's been acting strange ever since!" Harry exclaims. "Oh merlin, mum's freaking out as it is about this and now y/n has actually gone bloody missing?!" Ron runs his hands through his hair in stress. "If I'm not in school for a few days you know why!" Ron gives them both a wide eyed look and then Harry makes a comment. "Look we can't just sit here freaking out doing nothing, we've got to go look for her!" They all nod and run out of the hall.

[Y/n POV]

A month has passed now since I ran away from Hogwarts. I just couldn't take it anymore there. I was failing in all my classes, I was being distant from everyone because I just wanted to be left alone, I was becoming  quiet and not going to lie depression started to hit me hard. It's painful being without Draco, especially after the way we left things. It was perfect, too perfect it made me not want him to leave more. I miss his touch against my skin and his soft, cold lips against mine, I miss the way he would wrap his arms around my waist from behind and hug them tight against himself while he kissed my neck.

At first I ran away to Hogsmeade but then I realised people would find me there so I just continued on until I was far away enough. I reached a small village in the grassy hills and I've stayed here ever since. They're so lovely over here, I have shelter, food, water and much more. The only thing is, I miss everyone back at home, Hogwarts. There's a small hotel in the village and I got a room almost immediately. It's quite dark and dusty but it's a room at the end of the day, I could be on the streets instead. I lay on my bed with my eyes closed just thinking. Thinking about Hogwarts, Hermione, Ron and Harry, my family... Draco...
I roll over onto my side when there's a knocking on my door. I open my eyes and walk over to the dark oak door. I turn the door knob and open the door half way. "House keeping." The lady with a trolly groaned. "Erm ok yeah just let me grab my bag and I'll be out of your way." I go find my bag as I say this and then leave her to it with a friendly smile.

The air is fresh and damp as it has just been raining. Puddles flooding the streets. The waxing moon mirrors in the almost unruffled surface and where a ripple curls it the tiny crest glitters like white flame. I gaze up at the dark night sky and breath in the cold air that sends chills down my body. I tilt my head back down to the floor and my face drops. I still don't feel myself but... I think I'm just going to go back home. I'll stop at Hogsmeade and stay there for the night and then travel back home in the morning. I ponder as I start heading towards Hogsmeade with my pained thoughts following behind me like a dark shadow.
I reach Hogsmeade and try to find a place to rest for the night. I see a big rock and so I get comfy there. I lay beside the frigid rock and close my eyes hoping to drift off to sleep.

[Hermione, Ron and Harry]

"Where do you think she would be?" Ron asks the both of them as they Slither out the castle gates trying not to get caught being up after hours. "I don't know Ron but the first thing we could try is Hogsmeade I guess." Hermione replies without looking at Ron and instead checking if the coast is clear for them to leave. "Godric I hope she's okay." Harry adds in a sad tone.
"Come on Harry, come on Ron hurry up!" Hermione yells back at the two of them as they reach Hogsmeade. "We're coming Hermione blimey." Harry huffs back. Hermione comes to a sudden stop but Harry and Ron keep chatting causing them to not notice she has stopped and they both bash into her back. Hermione doesn't do anything and just keeps staring forward. "Ow! Hermione why did you stop?" Harry groans just as Ron nudges him in the arm. Harry looks at Ron who is also staring forward in disbelief now. Harry looks forward not believing his eyes. "Y/n?" Harry questions.

[Y/n POV]

I drift off to sleep peacefully but am awoken by a sudden shaking off my shoulders. "Y/n, y/n" I hear someone whisper in my ear. The voice is extremely familiar. I tiredly open my eyes and startled to see the trio in front of me all astonished. Ron and Harry are standing staring down at me whereas Hermione is kneeling beside me with a hand on my shoulder. "Hey." She says softly.
"Hey w... what are you guys doing here?" I stutter, sitting up against the rock.
"Dumbledore announced you were missing and we had to come find you!" Hermione says standing up while gesturing me a hand. I grab my bag and stumble to my feet with Hermione's help. "Thank you but I'm fine honestly." I say with a reassuring smile.
"Yes y/n but we didn't know that. We were worried sick and god knows what mums going to say!" Ron adds.
My face sinks as I remember my family and how much they would be worried. "Come on let's get you back and warmed up, you look freezing." Hermione puts one arm around my back and pulls me tight into her as we all walk back to Hogwarts.

We enter the Gryffindor common room and perch on a warm sofa by the crackling fire. "So what happened?" Harry asks me as he wraps a blanket round me. "I..." I gather up my words and explain. "Ever since Draco left I haven't been feeling myself. I've been failing all my classes, not wanting to talk to anyone, depression hit and I just... I just miss him so much. I didn't know it would be this hard but the way we left things just made everything even harder because the goodbye was perfect. So perfect I didn't want him to leave." I look up from my lap at the now sorry trio. "Y/n you could've talked to us. We're always here to listen and help if you need it." Hermione places a hand on my lap. "I know but I just... it's hard to explain."
"I told you guys it was about Draco leaving and y/n was acting odd. I'm so sorry y/n i should've asked if you were ok the first time I noticed that you were acting off." Harry shoots me an apologetic expression. "It's ok Harry, I just wanted to be by myself to be honest." I smile at him and he half smiles back sadly. "Thank you for coming to find me, it really means a lot that you care that much." I smile at them all and they smile back. "Don't thank us y/n, we love you and if anything happens make sure you come to us first ok! Never be afraid to ask." Ron exclaims.
"I will. Thank you."
"Now go get some rest, you look like you haven't slept in days." Hermione says in a mum tone. "Will do. Thank you once again." I make my way up to the dorms and shut the door behind me.
I look over at my bed and bewildered to see there's a parcel sitting on it unopened with a letter placed carefully on top. What's this? I ponder, dropping my bag on the floor and jumping onto my bed to open the letter.

Dear y/n, my darling.

I am really sorry I haven't been able to write to you since I left, it's been really crazy over here.
But baby, you have no idea how much I am missing you. Your laugh, your voice, your touch, your lips. You. Oh darling to have you here right now would be everything. You are my everything. So, seeming as I can't be with you right now I thought I'd send you something that might cheer you up as I saw how upset you were when I turned away.

Ps: Don't ruin it or let anyone else touch it! ;)

Love ...Raco (you can get the D later) xx

With warm tears drowning my eyes, I delicately place the letter to the side of me, as thought it's a fragile piece of art, and open the parcel. I stare down inside of the box and a tear escapes from my left eye. I pull out Draco's quidditch shirt and hug it tight against my chest breathing in the scent of his musky cologne. I then notice there's something else in the box. Draco's cologne, the one that's sprayed on his quidditch shirt. I pop the lid off and spray it in front of me. I breath in the air that has now been impregnated with the sweet, musky scent of Draco's cologne. I push the box off my bed and lie down on my side, burying my face into Draco's quidditch shirt and drifting off to sleep.

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