Chapter 22

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[Y/n POV]

Finally after a few minutes of crying, I wipe my tears and pull myself together. Come on y/n you can't cry over this, he's not going to change his mind and stay so just pull yourself together!

I make my way back to the castle and head to my dorm glumly. "Hey y/n are you okay?? Where have you been?"
"Oh my god you look awful! Hey! sis!" Ron and Hermione smother me with questions as I pass through the common room. "I'm fine" I just about manage to mumble before closing the dorm door behind me. I lean my weak body against the door and burst into tears again. What has this boy done to me? My head throbbing with all the crying, I curl up into a ball on the floor and hug my knees tight hoping that any minute now Draco would change his mind and come back.

A few minutes pass and there's a slight knocking on my door behind my back. My head bolts upwards and my tears stop immediately. Draco? I steadily get to my feet and I gulp swinging the door open.
"Oh hey Harry co... come in." I gesture him in, not making eye contact by looking at the floor and wiping my nose with my sleeve. I shut the door behind him and sit on my bed wiping my eyes dry.

"Hermione told me you were upset and well.. she said she thinks it's best to give you your space but I was worried so I just came to see if you were ok?" Harry places a hand softly on my shoulder before l shove it off in anger. "No Harry can't you see I'm not okay! IM NOT FUCKING OKAY HARRY! My boyfriend has just left for 6 months and it's been an hour since he left and I can't even manage that!" I yell in his face while jumping off my bed. "I miss him already Harry..." I begin to sob once again and Harry rushes up to surprise me with a warm hug. I bury my head into his shoulders and try to pull myself together again. "I'm sorry." I mumble into his chest.
"It's ok y/n. I'm so sorry to hear- wait... did you say boyfriend?" Harry pulls out of the hug looking confused while still gripping my shoulders tightly. "Yeah just before he left he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes." I glare at the floor in between us.

"You mean Draco Malfoy is your boyfriend? The Slytherin prince? I didn't think he was like... that type of guy you know." Harry's face stays confused. "You don't know him like I do Harry. No one does." I pull off Harry's hands from my shoulders gently and sit cross legged on my bed again. "I erm... could I be alone for a bit please? I just need to be with my thoughts for a while."
"Yeah sure no problem just let us know if you need anything ok." Harry and I smile at each other before I see him out. I walk over and slump onto my bed and fall asleep.

"So I was in the library earlier-..." Hermione try's to say before getting interrupted.
"No surprise there!" Ron comments.
"Hmpf so as I was saying-..."
"Hey guys I think I'm going to head to the bathroom." All three stop and turn around to look at me. "Y/n are you ok?" Hermione asks.
"I'm fine I just need the bathroom." I reply trying to put on the most happiest tone in my voice. "Hm ok, we'll catch you later yeah?" Hermione gives me a warming smile and I reply with a half smile.
I turn away and head to the closest girls bathroom. I reach the bathroom and push open the door. First thing I do is go and look at myself in the mirror. I look a mess. A fucking mess. It's been two days and you can't even cope that without him let alone six months. I tell myself. My eyes start burning up and hot balls of pain start rolling down my cheeks. For fucksake y/n why?

My body sinks to the floor and I curl up into a ball again and just cry until a soft, angelic voice speaks. "Hello. Are you okay?" A small hand is placed tenderly on my knee. I lift my head leisurely and meet the eyes of a pale skin, angelic silvery-blue eyed girl. "I'm.. im ok thank you." I reply puzzled.
"I do hope so. I'm Luna, Luna Lovegood." She stands up and gestures me a hand. I take it and she pulls me up. "Y/n Weasley." I say with a small smile. "Y/n, that's a very pretty name."
"Thank you. So is Luna." I smile kindly back.
"Thank you. Well it was very nice meeting you y/n but I must be heading off to class now. We should talk properly sometime." Her voice soft and gentle.
"Yeah, yeah that would be nice." I wave her a goodbye and turn back around to the mirror. She was so nice but how come I've never seen her before... and how can someone be so pure and sweet..

One month later

"Hey guys have you seen y/n recently, she hasn't been at home for three days now." Ron asks Harry and Hermione worriedly. "No i was going to ask the same. She hasn't been in school." Hermione states. They all look at each other with panic plastered all over they're faces. "Do you think this has something to do with Draco leaving... I mean she's been acting distant and weird ever since." Harry exclaims.
"Hm.." Hermione looks at the two boys before a sweet looking girl comes over and sits with them. "Hello Harry, Hermione, Ron." Luna greets them cheerfully. "Hey luna" Harry replies. "Luna do you know y/n?" Hermione asks her quite forcefully. "Yes we met about a month ago in the bathrooms. She was on the floor crying but I didn't ask why." Luna replies.
Hermione was going to speak but Dumbledore beats her to it. "SIIILLLEEENNNCCCEEE" he bellows with his wand to his neck. He removes his wand and relaxes his voice as his face goes sad but serious.

"Y/n... has gone missing!"

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