Chapter 31

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~One week later~

[Y/n POV]

Transfiguration class. The class I dread as I sit next to Harry who still has a huge crush on me. He's always trying to flirt with me or make rude comments about Draco.
I stroll into class early and notice someone sitting in my seat. Diggory. "Oi Diggory move! Your sitting in my seat!" I yell at him as I storm closer to him. His head bolts upwards and looks me up and down. "Make me." He smirks.
"What no! Move your innocent little Hufflepuff ass off of my seat!" I hiss glaring into his dark eyes. Cedric doesn't move and instead stares seductively into my eyes. "She said move Diggory!" I hear a voice boom from behind me. "Stay out of it Draco please." I plead him not to get involved as I know he can get very violent and I mean no physical harm to Cedric . "You want this Hufflepuff out of your bloody seat or not?" Draco states as he swiftly swaggers towards us.  "Hey mate, this doesn't concern you!" Cedric pushes Draco causing him to stumble backwards slightly. I turn to Cedric and glare at him worried. Draco is about to retaliate when I blurt out... "I think I'm gonna be sick." I cup my mouth with my hand and run out of the classroom to the bathrooms and lock myself in a cubical. I lean over the toilet and a warm fluid comes pouring out of my mouth. Why in merlins beard did I just throw up? That was so random... My thoughts circle my head as I lean against the cubical on the floor. "Weeeeee" oh godric not now. "Oh! Hello y/n, why are you on the floor?" Moaning Myrtle asks me as she floats above the cubical. "Not now Myrtle" I moan.
"Oh! *squeaks* looks like someone's been sick. I don't blame you if you've been kissing Malfoy!" Myrtle makes a disgusted face as she says Malfoy and I look at her confused. "What no that's not-..." I cut myself off and put my head in my hands fed up. "Well if it's not that then I would take a pregnancy test if I were you, you never know these days." Myrtle squeaks with a smirk before flying away. A pregnancy test... where in merlins beard am I going to find one of them? I know, I'll ask Hermione. She might know somewhere in Hogsmeade.

I run to the Gryffindor common room and hurry inside. "Hermione!" I yell frantically not realising the three boys either side of her. "Hermione I need to talk to you about something major!" I stop yelling and the room goes silent as everyone stares at me in shock trying to register what's just happened. "Hey Harry, hey Neville, hi git!" I finally say turning to Harry then Neville then Ron. "Hey!" Ron screams out but I don't pay attention. "Hermione please." I plead with my eyes. "Erm yeah ok let's go to our dorm." Hermione initiates, still in complete confusion. As soon as we enter our dorm, I shut the door behind me and lean against it getting straight to the point."MioneIneedhelpgettingapregn-ancytest." I quickly slur. "Wait wait slow down say that again." She says gesturing with her hands. I take a deep breath and speak slower. "I need help buying a pregnancy test." Hermione's face goes blank with no expression. "What why?" She asks glued to the spot and still with no expression. "Because I threw up this morning with no reason why and last week I slept with Draco and I'm pretty sure we didn't use protection..." Hermione's face turns white as she walks closer. "Ok ok don't panic yet I know where we can get one, everything will be ok." She hugs me as warm tears fall down my eyes. "Hermione what if it's positive?" I sob into her shoulder. "Then I'll be here to support you, no matter what." Hermione strokes my hair softly and I pull away. "Let's go." She says.

"Ok you ready?" Hermione asks me as I hold the pregnancy test in my shaking hand. "Yeah, yeah ok let's do this." I close my eyes and take a breath. "I'll be here no matter what remember that."
"Thank you Hermione." I hug her and walk into a cubical. I do the test and come back out. "Ok now we just wait." I state in a shaky voice, putting the stick on the sink and turning round to face Hermione. "What do you think Draco's going to do when you tell him?" Hermione asks me as she strokes my arm in comfort. "I don't know but I know for sure I'm not going to tell him soon. I need to know, if it is positive, whether I'll keep it or not first." I swallow a huge lump of saliva and then sigh. "Fair enough. Having a child at this age can be extremely overwhelming and lead to extreme money problems however it is a human and it's yours so it'll be hard to give it away or even abort it." Hermione states worried for me. I look at the ground in thought. Hermione is right it would be hard to give it up or abort it but in the long run it's a baby and I don't know if I'm ready to look after one yet, same with Draco.

"Ok it's time." Hermione states, breaking my thoughts as she looks up at the clock. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. My heart starts thumping inside my chest, banging on my rib cage trying to escape. I turn around slowly and take the stick in my hands. I gradually open my eyes and stare down at the pregnancy test. Tears start to form in my eyes as Hermione stares at me impatiently. "So..?" She says.

"It's positive."

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