Chapter 33

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~Two weeks later~

"Y/n come on!" Hermione calls.
"Alright alright I'm coming!" I call from behind, grabbing my bag and rushing after Hermione. She stops and spins around. "Ew." She says before turning back. "Oh Hermione what have I done to your poor innocent mind." I remark out of breath as we reach DADA. Hermione rolls her eyes as she holds the door open for me. "Pregnant ladies first." She comments with a wink. I stare back at her and widen my eyes. "Ssshh seriously Hermione!" I add. She giggles and shuts the door behind us before I pause and notice that there's a new seating plan and who I'm sitting next to will for sure cause something to erupt during this lesson...

"Aye it's my favourite gal again, how you doing sweetheart?" He rests his arm on the back of my chair as I'm about to sit down. I glare back at Hermione and mouth a quick help me and she laughs with a quick shake of her head. "Come on darling take a seat." He pats my chair and I pull a disgusted face. "Don't fucking call me that you dick head!" I hiss through gritted teeth. I take my seat next to Crabbe as Professor Umbridge enters. "That's a good girl." Crabbe takes his arm off of my chair as he notices who enters. "Mr Malfoy why are we late?" Professor Skunk face screeches.

"Couldn't be bo- hold on a minute. No no NO I AM NOT FUCKING ALLOWING THIS!" Draco bellows as he notices Crabbe and I sitting next to each other. "YOU COME BACK FOR ANOTHER ROUND SHIT BAG?! I can easily do the same again for you if you'd like or have you NOT FUCKING LEARNED FROM THE LAST TIME!" At this point Draco has Crabbe by his collar again and glares at him from eye to eye. "No-ow come on pu-put him down Draco and watch your language!" Professor Skunk face stutters and points her wand at Draco  initiating his language. "Up." Draco looks down at me and gestures for me to stand up. "Draco it's one lesson can you no-..."
"I SAID UP!" He grabs my arm and pulls me out of the seat as I grab my bag at the same time. "Hey man be careful with her, she's not an object." Crabbe adds which sets Draco off to the limits. "YOUR THE ONE TO FUCKING TALK!" And with that Draco punches him, breaking his nose. "Draco honestly could you not of just leave him alone this one time, for me!" I yell at him as I slap him on the arm multiple times.
"Children please stop this nonsense and get Crabbe to the infirmary!" Umbridge yells as Draco looks at me in dissatisfaction and marches out of the class slamming the door behind him.

"Draco wait please." And for the first time he stops on my first plead and instead starts marching towards me with. He stops an inch away from me and points his finger at my chest. "You should know better y/n. You really want that git who tried hitting on you and slapped you round the face to be sitting next to you in class?!" His cold eyes fuming with fury as I try and avoid contact with them. "Look baby, the guy was high at the time and probably had no control-..." Draco steps back with a huff and shoves his hands in his pockets. "So your sticking up for him now?" He has a smirk of disbelief planted across his face as he looks around the corridor trying to keep his emotions together. "No that's not what I'm- look I wasn't planning on talking to him anyway, I was just going to ignore his stupid comments and g-..."

"But his comments, y/n, they will turn you on and no one other than me should be doing that!" I sigh and look at the ground still trying to avoid making eye contact with him as I know the truth would come spilling out. "They won't." I reply.
"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT Y/N! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" His voice rising again as he grabs my chin and pulls my head in line with his. "Draco stop yelling! You should trust me, I'm your girlfriend!" Draco let's go of my chin forcefully and walks away a bit before turning around and glaring back at me. "I can trust you it's just that SLIMEY dick head I can't trust anymore!" His voice still thundering causing it to echo in the isolated corridor. "And Potter! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO COME TO TERMS WITH THIS! You're my girlfriend and Two guys have a crush on you." Draco runs his hands through his hair in annoyance and stress. "I'm never going to go to them Draco! I'm yours, you should know that by now!" Yells and pained groans permeate the corridor as Draco and I argue.

"HOW CAN I BELIVE THAT, YOU COULD CHOOSE TO GO TO EITHER ONE OF THEM INSTEAD OF ME! ALL IT TAKES IS A FEW WORDS." And with that I do the biggest mistake I have done in a long long time. "BECAUSE IM PREGNANT!" I cup my mouth with my hand, ashamed that I have just let it slip out so carelessly so soon without making a decision on what I'm going to do. Draco's face immediately goes from a furious frown to a stupefied motionless expression. His body a statue as he stares at me intently, his smoky eyes still. "Draco. Draco babe I can explain okay, let's take a seat and you can-..." I trail off and place my hands on Draco's chest as I look up at him in worry. He gulps and keeps his gaze straight above my head. "Is it... is it mine?" He looks down and his eyes begin to water. I sigh and nod my head. "Yes, it's your's." More tears start to form in his eyes and his lips start to tremble. "Draco talk to me baby." I glare at his eyes looking for some sort of communication and life but there's nothing. He steps back and turns and rushes off. Tears start to fall down my cheeks as I get left in the middle of the desolate corridor alone. "Y/n!" I hear Hermione call from behind me as I shrink to the floor with tears streaming down my face.

"Hey hey it's ok. Ssshh." Hermione kneels down beside me and hugs my head against her chest. "Did you tell him?" She whispers in my ear. I nod and sniffle as I look up to meet her gaze. "I love you Hermione. I honestly don't know what I would do without you. Your the bestest friend anyone could ever ask for!" I mumble between sniffs. "Aww thank you y/n. Back at you." She smiles down at me and pulls me back into a hug before it's broken by Ron and Harry running towards us. "Y/n are you okay!" Ron yells as the both of them crouch down to my level too. "I need to tell you two something but it's something we need to talk about in the common room alone." The two boys look at me worried and confused at the same time but nod as Hermione pulls me up off of the ground.

All four of us gather around the crackling, aureate fire in the Gryffindor common room as silence pollutes the atmosphere. "So?" Harry comments.
"I erm... ok well here goes nothing." I wipe my sweaty palms on my robes and let the truth roll off of my tongue. "A few weeks ago I er well I slept with Draco-..."
"EWW!" Ron grunts in disgust.
"Shut up Ronald! Anyway as I was saying, we slept together and er well I don't remember using protection..." Ron and Harry's expressions both fade to nothingness as they sit back in their chairs in unison. "I don't understand how you out of all people can be so CARELESS!" Ron yells the last word. "Mums gonna freak!" And that's the last thing that is said for a while.

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