Chapter 1- Ready... Set... Crocus!

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***Unknown p.o.v***

"Gajeel my boy, its good to hear your still alive," Master Ivan sneers.

I dropped the broom in my hand from the other room at the news I had just overheard.

I gasped crying as I muttered to myself, "Gajeel... 'sob.' He's alive."

***Elsewhere***   ***Laxus's p.o.v***

I'm currently sitting at a table in the guildhall quietly drinking my mug of beer. I had just recently been admitted into the guild again and now Fairytail is going to be involved in the Grand Magic Games. The old geezer, up to his old tricks again, put me and a couple others on Fairytail's team B for the Grand Magic Games. The guildhall was pretty much empty as everyone had already left for Crocus.


I turned around to see Freed, Evergreen, and Bickslow approaching my table.

"Ready to head out man!" Bickslow asks.

Evergreen swats at him. "Don't be so rude," she says with a huff.

Bickslow rolls his eyes, rubbing his head.

Freed, ignoring his comrades, continues saying, "We should probably leave soon. Everyone else is already headed for Crocus and we cannot be late."

I nodded finishing my drink and standing up. "Alright guys, lets head out. We can't keep the guild waiting," I said as I headed towards the guild doors.

"This year's going to be interesting that's for sure," Bickslow comments as he and the rest of the Thunder Legion follow Laxus out of the guildhall and head towards Crocus.

***At the Raventail Guild***   ***Unknown p.o.v***

"There. The plans all set. Everyone know the plan?" Master Ivan asks.

"Yes Master," we responded.

"The five of us will be the competitors for the Grand Magic Games. Maylene, you will be the reserve member, but you will still be a part of the final stage of the plan. Don't disappoint me," Master Ivan threatens dangerously.

"Yes Master," I responded sadly.

We all walked outside of the guildhall as we started to head to Crocus.

"For seven long years you made me wait Makarov. The time of judgement- the time to blacken and crush the fairies- has come! I look forward- to the Grand Magic Games!" Master Ivan shouts, cackling evilly, with the rest of the guild. I stood behind them in silence as I worried for the coming games.

***Timeskip*** ***Third-person p.o.v***

The crowd cheers as the guilds are announced as to who is participating in the Grand Magic Games.

"Give it up for Raventail," Chapati creepily announces.

"What the heck are they doing here?!?" Natsu shouts in shock.

The crowd murmurs in shock at the presence of Raventail.

"Rrrgh, why is a dark guild participating!" Makarov mutters angrily.

"Have you officials lost your minds or are you just incompetent to begin with!" Makarov shouts in a fit of rage.

"Fairytail. I trust your friend is recovering," Alexei asks menacingly, mocking them.

"So you are the ones who attacked Wendy? I'm gonna make you regret it," Natsu mutters angrily.

"Heh-heh. The festivals just getting started," Alexei chuckles evilly.

***Maylene's p.o.v***

I look down at the tension between our guild and the other guilds in worry as I fear of what is to become of these games.

"This year's competition just got a whole lot more interesting folks," Chapati announced.

I glance over to the entrance gates to see a huge glow of lightning to reveal...

"Its Fairytail Team B!" Chapati shouts.

I stared in surprise at their appearance. "Fairytail..." I muttered glancing at the two teams of their guild.

"Gajeel is alive," I muttered happily with a sigh and a soft smile.

"Laxus and Gajeel are joining the party," Ivan mutters.

***Gajeel's p.o.v***

After Sabertooth is announced, I finally take a good look at the Raventail guild.

"Wait a minute, she's not..." I whispered as I glanced around until I stopped at the Raventail balcony.

"There she is," I muttered, noticing the hooded shorty in the Raventail balcony.

'She must be the reserve member for Raventail. No surprise there,' I thought as I glanced at her, then to Laxus.

"Something wrong?" Laxus asks looking down at me.

"Nah, nothing right now," I responded, turning back my focus to the games.

'Just you wait Maylene. I'm taking you home,' I thought seriously.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Don't forget to Vote and Comment and enjoy your day everyday!!!
And if you're enjoying this fanfic come check out Maylene's original story at Tapas and Webnovel's Garden of Knights:

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