Chapter 2: Homesickness

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Me: Here's Chapter 2! Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's!


Nozomi's POV

Groaning softly, eyes fluttering open I see a ceiling? Where was I? Using my arms, I push my upper body up so I was sitting up but pain hit the back of my head reach my hand behind my head, wait why was there a bandage wrap around my head?

"Your awake, thank Suzaku. I thought you would never wake up, you know."

Turning my head to the door, I see Chichiri? He has a tray of food? Oh, yummy!

"Oh-oh! You brought food yay!" He tilts his head, but he walks over putting the tray on my lap.

I dig right in happily eating the delicious food~ Not noticing he was watching me closely until I finished licking my fingers puffing out air of happiness~

"That was yummy Chichiri! Hm? What's wrong?" I noticed him watching me intently.

"Don't...don't you remember what happened last night?"

"Eh?" eyes turn into dots blinking "of course I do silly, hehe I-" I was going to tell him, but I froze did I stayed in my room? Or...did I leave my room? Scrunching up my eyebrows, trying to think or remember.

"...I was afraid of that," I blink to look at Chichiri confused "It seems what happened to you last night was so traumatic your own mind locked that memory away for protection, you know."

"But..." I raise my hand touching the wraps around my head shaking.

~~Sssshhhhh crackle crackle~~

"P-please...s-stop." I hiccuped sobbing, lips trembling.

~~Sssshhhhh crackle crackle~~

"No..." I mumbled, eyes dilating in horror.

"Nozomi? You shouldn't push yourself, you know."

~~Sssshhhhh crackle crackle~~

"Be quiet, you little bitch!" I cried out when he pulled harder.

~~Sssshhhhh crackle crackle~~

"NOOOO!!!" I screamed out hands on both sides of my head shutting my eyes tightly, wailing begging the memories to stop, but I kept hearing my screams, and those two men laughter.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me and pulled against their chest.

"Sshhh, it's okay now Nozomi. Those men can't harm you anymore...I vow as a monk; I'll protect you until my dying breath." It was Chichiri, but he was using a deeper serious voice, not his bubbly, high pitch voice anymore.

I stopped screaming, staring behind Chichiri's shoulder eyes widen but slowly soften, tears freely rolling down my pale face. I shakily grip onto that kesa thing that he has wrap around his person, like it was my lifeline, lips tremble.

"I-I was so scared...Ch-Chichiri, I-I thought I-I was going to-."

"Sshhh, don't say that...I'm glad I found you in time, I thought I...I thought I lost someone else." He squeezed me closer to his chest, but not too tightly.

"I-I'm so sorry...i-it was my f-fault."

He pulls away "How is it your fault? It was all those bastards fault."

Sniffling, wiping the tears from my face "...I-I left my room, i-if I stayed I-" he put his finger to my lips silencing me.

"It's not your fault, did you knew it was going to happen?" I shook my head, he pulled his finger away, ruffling my hair gently being careful of my head "See? It's not your fault, it happened and I won't let it happen again."

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