Chapter 8: Powers Out Of Control!

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Me: Howdy! Here's Chapter 8~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's


Nozomi's POV

Pain, it was all I felt. It felt like someone was stabbing me with a dagger over and over, and burning me with fire from inside. I felt a cool hand touch my forehead, causing me to whimper at the sudden coolness.

"Sorry, princess...Just hang in there okay? We'll be going to beg Juan Myō one last time."

Nuriko...? Opening my eyes seeing blurriness of the beautiful long purple of his hair, and his pink from his eyes.


"Nozomi, thank Suzaku your and Miaka will stay resting, Miss. Shoka will stay with you two. We'll be back, so just hang on for us...for me okay?"

Smiling weakly "I-I'll...hang on, for yours...a-and the sake of the others." I promised to him, he kisses my forehead gently than leaving.

I was so out of it, what Shoka was doing to Miaka was a blur until Miaka was calling out her name in worry. I stood up and found Miaka, grabbing her hand feeling evil from behind us right when Hotohori appeared.

"Miaka! Nozomi! Get away from that woman!"

"Huh?" both I and Miaka said in sync, that's when I realized something those times I felt evil was when I was near Miss. Shoka and what Hotohori said next made me knew for sure I was right about those feelings of evil and death.

"Shoka, are you the one who is spreading the disease throughout the Village? So you become a monster who feeds off of human flesh and souls."

I cringe when those zombies appeared, Tasuki and Nuriko closed the window leaning against it.

"Who are they !? Why do they keep following us!?"

"Their creepy!" Tch, if Miaka and I weren't being held back by Miss. Shoka, I would have laughed at them so I just gave them a look that says' see !? zombies are creepy and icky! '

"I believe they're all townspeople, Shoka brought back to life. They may be seen alive, but they're no more than zombies she herself controls."

"See!?" I huff getting their attention going chibi "Zombies are evil I say! Creepy fuckers that need to die die die!! O-Or they'll eat your brains!!" Everyone, including Shoka sweatdrop.

"So, their zombies!? See? I should have toasted them before with this flaming fang!" I nodded did a yes sign.

"Burn them all!!" I everyone yet again sweatdrop at my antics.

"It's true, isn't it? Why Shoka...?"

Ugh, a headache was coming I just know it. I was going in and out of the conversation between Shoka and Myo Juan, I shook the fogginess away when she grabs Miaka around her neck, but she grabs my neck too, I brag her wrist trying to weakly to pry her hand off my neck so I can breath thank you!

"I'll kill these two first then I'll kill you, Myo Juan."

"Now Tasuki!"

I was taken back when Miaka just put her body between them and Shoka who let my neck go, so I stood behind Miaka now surprised at Miaka.

"Stop! I won't let you kill Miss. Shoka!"

"Miaka! That thing is a demon! We have to destroy it!" I wanted to agree with him, but if Miaka says so...then I trust her judgment, even if I think it's bad.

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