Chapter 15: Guardian's Role and Lien's Past

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 15~ I'm actually surprised this story is already this far owo Just working on this story makes me happy, but warning it's going to start getting sad soon. Enjoy, and bring tissue just in case!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's like Nozomi Harada, Lien, and Ice!


Next Day, Morning

Nozomi's POV

The morning was a wonderful new day, I happily put on the new warm coat the villagers handed us even gave me and Miaka matching hats that match the colors of the coat, hers was pink while mine was purple. Nuriko was a sweetheart as always helping me with styling my hair differently, instead of buns, he pulled all my hair to my left side of my shoulder so my hair lays over my shoulder to my chest. When he finished with my hair he put the matching hat on my head.

"There, now your even more beautiful princess." he leans down kissing my already turning red nose from the cold.

"Aww~ You two are the cutest couple I have seen, it's such a sight to see young love." The boy's mother, the boy Lien saved yesterday gush over us.

Nuriko and I both blush from embarrassment.

"Th-thank you, ma'am, also thank you for letting us stay the night."

"It's nothing dear, you're friend saved my son. It's the least I could do." She waves her hand dismissing my thanks, with a kind smile. "Now, you're friends outside ready to leave. Sadly we don't have enough horses for you and that other woman with that white tiger."

"That's okay ma'am, Nozomi here shares horses with me. And Lien rides on Ice- her white tiger." Nuriko steps in smiling kindly.

"That's a good thing, now you two have safe travels."

Saying bye to the woman, we walk outside just in time to see the little boy waving bye to Tasuki, who stood next to Lien.

"Goodbye, mister scary face! Bye!" I had to hide the smile and laughter behind my hand, seeing Tasuki nervously wave back. "Don't go scaring little kids, okay?"

Lien was saying something, probably a remark about what happened which is why he is starting an argument with her. They are totally into each other~ Nuriko went on his horse, helping me up in front of him and we all took off to our next destination. Lien was riding on Ice's back, so Ice was next to us.

When we all started to slow down since we see the place Touran coming up soon Lien spoke up getting everyone's attention, but we kept the horses and Ice moving forward.

"I think it's time I tell you all something, it's very important to know. Also important, the kid- Nozomi, knows this too."

"Eh? What's so important Miss. Lien? Is it has to do with you knowing, some things before it happens?" Chiriko exclaimed.

Lien nodded "Correct as always Chiriko. Each Guardian of different Beast God has some special unique ability." She started, but the way she said it her voice was monotone like she was shielding or hiding her emotions. It was like she was dead, remembering something sorrowful, my heartache and clench at the pain making my grip the coat over my chest.

"Princess? Hey, you okay?" I heard Nuriko's concern voice, but the pain wasn't my own! If it wasn't for Nuriko holding me while holding the horse's reins, I would have fallen off from the pain.

"Is Nozomi okay, Nuriko?" 

"I don't know. Princess, come on talk to me. Are you hurt? Mitsukake can heal you-"

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