Chapter 14: Sailing to Hokkan Part 2

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Me: Here's chapter 14 part 2~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's like Nozomi Harada, Lien, and Ice!


Everything went to hell, this Seiryu warrior lady name Soi. She really pisses me off, she almost strikes Miaka with her lightning! I wanted to rush over to protect her.

'Don't rush in Lady Nozomi! Mistress does not want you to charge in recklessly.'

I curse under my breath.

"Hm, you dodged that well, Priestess of Suzaku."

"That lightning that struck, you control it?" Miaka asks while standing up.

"I am the warrior of Seiryu Seven," she grips her cloak and rips it off, showing a woman. "Priestess of Suzaku! You will never reach Hokkan Empire."

Great, a Seiryu Warrior, just what we need. I put my hand on top of Ice's head, petting it in nervousness it helps ease the anxiety.

"A warrior, but you're a woman!" Huh, Miaka is right this Soi chick, must be the first female warrior? Who knows.

"I will destroy the entire Suzaku Seven contingent with one fatal blow!" I grew worried seeing her lift her hand only having her index finger and middle finger pointing up into the sky, causing the wind to swirl around them!

I may not be able to fight, cause of what Lien said, but I can still create my barrier to protect everyone and myself. Tamahome and Tasuki went in front of Miaka protectively.

"Miaka! Be careful!"

'Don't do it Lady Nozomi! Mistress doesn't want you to use your barrier just yet! Just put it around yourself but only surrounding your body! Now do it!'

Nodding, focusing on the barrier surrounding my figure but not a bubble shape this time, in a way it protected me from Soi's lightning. Everyone is stuck by lightning surrounding everyone but me and Miaka.

"Sh-she's too strong!"

"C-can't move!"

'Lady Nozomi! Try to focus on dispelling Soi's spell now!'

'W-what? B-but I never have done that-'

'It's okay Lady Nozomi, I'll connect you and my mistress minds, she'll teach you it step by step.'

'You hear me, greenhorn.'

'Y-yes, please hurry Lien! I want to help in any way.'

'...Hn, your starting to be an a-okay kid. Now, close your eyes and focus on Soi's chi, and then aim your senses to the power that is holding us all but Miaka.'

I nodded, closing my eyes focusing on the one chi which was an unfamiliar one which I got it in seconds then focus on the power she has that was wrapped around my friends.

'Good, you got it now say 'Release' and then focus on us!'

Snapping my eyes open "Tuīchū!' right when Soi sent her strongest electricity at Miaka who was holding Hotohori's sword, the electricity that was around everyone was broken right at the moment when Miaka swing the sword, hitting Soi with her own attack!

"Watch out!" Soi was barely standing now glaring at Miaka.

"Miaka!" Tamahome ran to Miaka with worry.

"Tamahome! Did you see that!?" I snickered seeing Tamahome hugging Miaka.

I walk over to the others checking if they were all okay, thankfully they were. I hug Nuriko happily knowing he was okay, suddenly a hand patted my head when I let go hugging Nuriko. Blinking turns around to see Lien.

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