Chapter 21: Having Fun and Surprises

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 21~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's Like Nozomi Harada, her family, Lien, and Li Na, and any other OC's you'll see in this chapter~


Morning, Next Day

Nozomi's POV

"Wow, so this metal beast is a 'train' and it takes people to and from places?" An excited Chiriko exclaim while on his knees looking out the train window in aw, like a kid in a candy store. Giggling at his cuteness, even all the girls were aw'ing over his cuteness.

"Hehe, yes it is. But you should sit down, you're getting unwanted stares even if your acting so cute~" I cooed at him.

"S-sorry," he blushes, and shyly sat back down. "So where are we meeting Miaka and Tamahome?"

"Well, Miaka and Tamahome are in town to have fun. While her older brother is checking with his friend about the book of 'Universe of The Four Gods', and I even brought my book." I have the book in my backpack.

"I see, I do hope we find our way back even if your world looks amazing."

Giggling, I brought out a camera "Chiriko~"

"Hm? Yes, La- ah!" he was rubbing his eyes from the flash.

"Oops, I forgot to take the flash off hehe, sorry Chiriko." I felt bad, I keep forgetting to take the evil flash off.

"I-it's okay, but...what was that thing the, flash my eyes so brightly I'm seeing dots?" He was blinking his eyes.

"Oh, this is called a camera I think you should remember it from when Miaka took a picture of all of us when we first sailed off to Hokkan, but mine is different much smaller and thinner," I explained to him.

"Oh, I see. Your world is fascinating, indeed."

We got off of the train and found Miaka and Tamahome at the arcade place using the claw machine, I ushered Chiriko behind me to keep silent. And silently sneak behind Tamahome and Miaka, hands on my hips grinning.

"Hiya, love birds!~"

I grin seeing how they jump good feet off the ground and a short yelp. They whirl around, seeing my shit-eating grin, Miaka smack my arm pouting.

"Sorry, sorry. But It seems, we got here to see the lovely love birds having fun without us~" I said in a sing-song voice.

"Sh-shut it Nozomi!" Miaka was blushing, I chuckled patted her head.

"It's true~ Oh! Look who came with me!" I step aside showing Chiriko who is waving at the two cheerfully, who had shocked faces.

"Ch-Chiriko!?" They shouted out in sync.

"H-Hi, I'm very surprised this amazing and interesting world is where you and Lady Nozomi live. It's so fascinating."


"He grabbed me before I fully disappeared, but where's your big brother at Mia?"

"Oh, he went to get some coins for the games and such. And after we get done here, we are going bowling!"

"Ah, it's good to see you Nozomi!" I squeaked when an arm was wrapped around my shoulders, and a familiar jerk knuckles were painfully rubbing on top of my head.

"A-ah! K-Keisuke! S-stop, you- ah! B-big meanie!"

"Hahaha! Okay, I'll stop this time kiddo. But I see you brought the other Celestial Warrior...uh Chiriko right?" He let me go to look down at Chiriko who smiled shyly.

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