Chapter 17: The Star That Flickers Off

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Me: Here's chapter 17, warning! You need a box of tissues, a sad scene is in this chapter...a death scene so, please...keep the tissues read. Just know the song "Slipped Away" doesn't belong to me, it's from Avril Lavinge, play the song whenever but it fits if you play when Nozomi sings.

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's like Nozomi Harada, Lien, and Ice!


Nozomi's POV

I grunted, I could barely move the boulder! I needed Nuriko's help, I panted stepping away from the boulder gasp when the beast-man charged at Nuriko, grabbing his neck pushing him down


"St-stay back Nozomi! Ugh, y-you're a strong galoot, but in a test of strength you can't win!" His gauntlet glowed again swing his fist at it, but he jumps far up the hill. I was at Nuriko's side helping him up. "You're a lot more nimble than you look."

"You don't have to fight him alone Nuriko, let me help, please. I may not be trained to fight, but I have known enough moves from watching others back in my world. And also a bonus, I can use your super strength when you're near me so it'll work, just the two of us kicking this hairy monkeys ass."

"Heh, your right as always princess. Okay, let's take this galoots ass together."

I nodded, I yelp jumping away along with Nuriko when that beast-man jump and slam its fist where we used to be standing. it went to charge at Nuriko, but hell no! No one hurts my man and gets away with it! I charged jump in the air, kicking it away landing beside Nuriko.

"Nice kick, princess."

"Thanks, I learn that move from watching anime hehe." smiled happily, he chuckled and we both charged at the beast-man.

Grunting, I backflipping away from its claws. When I stop my back hit the icey wall of the mountain, I was out of strength I ek' ed bringing up my barrier so he was clawing and ramming into my barrier.

"I'm coming, Princess! Get away from my wife!!" I sighed letting my barrier disappear when Nuriko punched it away from me.

"Nice right hook, love! Oh! Watch out Nuriko!" But my warning was futile, the beast-man sucker-punched Nuriko away from me but also ripping the front part of his outfit.

I grew confused, and afraid when it turns it's sites back on me. I was out of energy, I can probably bring up my barrier but only for a second. If only I had a weapon! I should of ask for a dagger at least. I screamed covered my head with my arms, hearing Nuriko's fearful yell and the snow crunching sound of feet running on it. I waited for the pain, but...I didn't feel it but I heard a familiar painful grunt.

My eyes widen in terror, tears spring up.

"Nurikooooo!!!!!" I yelled out when the beast-man lifts Nuriko up so he was facing the sky, suddenly Nuriko snaps out of his shock pushing his body away from the claws that were through his chest, twisting his body around and snacking its neck.

The big beast-man drop to the snow dead, Nuriko was panting.

"N-Nuriko..." I got up on my feet, slowly walk to him until I run over to his side before he fell "O-Oh Suzaku, y-your an idiot! W-why would you j-just jump in front of m-." I was cut off by him pulling me close to him.

"I-I thought, ugh I-I lost ya. C-come on Princess...w-we gotta move, the rock."

I wanted to say no, but he was right oh Suzaku, please give Nuriko strength to live! I help him to the boulder, and we both got it to move but when we dropped it Nuriko froze looking up into the sun.

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