Chapter 10: Summoning Failure

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Me: Here's chapter 10~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's, like Nozomi Harada.


Nozomi's POV

I was sleeping in Nuriko's room this time, I just..I tried knocking on the door that connects to Chichiri's room, to talk to him and find out 'why' he's so upset at the fact that I'm so close and together with Nuriko. I begged him to talk to me, but he didn't answer me but I 'knew' he was in his room I could sense his chi damn it! So I stormed out of my room, running right to the one person (other than Miaka of course) that cares, and loves me and also would listen to me rant and rave to my heart's content 'Nuriko' So when he opened his door rubbing his eye sleepily, but suddenly woke up seeing tears rolling down my face, he went into protective mode.

He ushered me inside, and I fling myself into his arms sobbing into his exposed chest. He calmed me down after a while until I was a sniffling mess after he wipes my tears away with his thumbs, I told him Chichiri was ignoring me and what happened I saw anger go through him but he sighs making me curious and when he picked me up in his arms sat down on his bed and sat me down on his lap, but in a position, I'm facing him.

He leans his forehead against mine "I know you very innocent on this princess, you think maybe...just maybe Chichiri is jealous that you're with me...?"

I blink "I-I never thought...d-do you think he...oh Suzaku, what do I do Nuriko? I care for both you and him, but I love you..."

"My love, I think it's best to let him have some time alone, to think to himself, and when the time feels to him."

I was thinking about Nuriko's words, smiling slightly "Okay...I-I'll give him space, I won't like it...cause I never got a chance to hang with him and I always thought of him as my best friend-"

Nuriko cut me off laughing, making me pout. He stops laughing, ruffling my hair.

"Sorry for laughing princess, but you're too naive and very dense to notice when a man is in love," he explained to me with a wink.

Eyes shrink into dots, blinking "E-eh?"

I squeaked when I was suddenly laying on Nuriko's bed, and him on top. Blush spread across my face.

"N-Nurikoooo, you're so mean." whines out with pouty lips on my face.

"Hehe, you enjoyed it, princess. Now...since your here, what shall I do with this beautiful princess under my grasp~?"

My face turns bright red, I know I should be used to this but...I can't stop being flustered by this amazing, wonderful man. And well...we end up having a wonderful night, with him and me pulling each other's clothes off and very steamy lovemaking. Anyway, before all this happened and me trying to talk to Chichiri, Miaka almost drowned- well she did but Hotohori saved her. 

It killed me seeing her like this, but even if I tried to get her to smile again, it wouldn't be real. 

'Ugh! Tamahome! When I get my hands on you your dead meat mister!' My thoughts while I slept, in the arms of my love.

Suddenly I felt it, no I felt 'his' chi. Rage bubbling in my body I carefully slip out of the warm arms of the man I love, putting on my clothes leaving his room finding him outside. I saw a down soldier with a sword next to him, bending down grabbing the handle gripping it tightly.

I walk over to him, glaring at the man who hurt my friend and injured Tasuki turn around smirking seeing me.

"Well, well...It seems I get to kill the Priestess's precious Guardian first, then I'll get to kill the Priestess of Suzaku what luck hmhm." 

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