Chapter 19: Sealing Of Suzaku

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 19~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's like Nozomi Harada, Lien, and Ice!


Nozomi's POV

I was about to enter the tower that my friends were at when, a male voice in my head stopped me.

'Stop little one!'

'But Suzaku! Chiriko needs help!'

'I know little one, but please trust me. If you wish to save him or give him a fighting chance you must go inside Chiriko's body and battle the Seiryu seven possessing his body. Now, go behind the bush, I can separate your soul and your body but don't worry about your baby or your body I'll keep it only have so long until you go back in your body, so make it quick.'

I nodded, rushing behind the bushes suddenly a red barrier surround me, and a painful feeling of being rip apart from my body. I was floating, without hesitation. I flew up to the top, then flew into a room seeing everyone, and Chiriko floating legs crossed looking down evilly at the others, with Miaka in his monsters grasps!

"I'm coming Chiriko!!" I shouted out, even though no one can hear it.

I flew behind 'Chiriko's' back wrap my arms around his body using my chi to bind him to freeze him causing the monster to freeze that was wrapped around Miaka's body.

"Wh-what the hell!? He just...stopped!" Tasuki shouted out in confusion.

"Wait...I sensed something, Nozomi...I sense Nozomi's chi, you know!"

The bracelets around Chiriko's wrist glowed and I have finally pulled my soul into his body. Opening my eyes I was standing in a dark endless thing but gasp seeing Chiriko's soul body wrap up in vines with thorns.

"Chiriko!" I ran over, but feeling chilly slightly but squeaked when looking down to see I was naked!! Damn Suzaku! He didn't tell me I'll leave not just my body!

"L-Lady...Nozomi....?" I heard him mumble softly, but gasp when the thorn vines tighten.

"Chiriko!" I floated up to him grabbing his face. "It's going to be okay, I'll free you."

"I won't allow you to take him! He's mine now!" I heard his evil voice echoed around the abyss.

"Stop hiding! Fight me face to face!" I shouted out.

A form appeared floating holding some kind of...toy? I got into my fighting stance, clenching my fists.

I was fighting him, mostly dealing with his damn monsters! I got annoyed so I summon my hammer which was heavy but I was used to the heaviness by now, almost. I swing it down, killing another monster, I jump on the handle of the hammer that was sticking up from the ground and using it to push my body at Meboshi pulled my arm back, and smash my fist right into his surprise ugly mug!

The thorn vines wrap around Chiriko's soul was slack! I quickly flew to him carefully pulling him out, I held him in my arms smiling down at his opening eyes.

"Lady Nozomi...? Wh-why-."

"You must take control of your body now Chiriko, everyone can't beat the demon Meboshi summoned using your body! I believe in you, everyone does. You're a Suzaku warrior after all."

His eyes widen then soften, he nodded I let him float out of my arms floating in front of me. Suddenly pain hit me, shocking my soul. I screamed in pain hearing Chiriko's frantic voice.

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