Chapter 7: Choko Here We Come!

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 7~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's!


Warmth, where have I felt this protective warmth before? Wait...did I, die? But if I did why do I feel the warmth around my body? Did I some how...survive from bleeding out? My body doesn't hurt as much, but it sure does feel achy and stiff So I somehow survived?

Forcing my eyes to open, I see the sky blue cloudy sky, with trees flowing slightly with a slight wind. Blinking slowly, I move my head to the left side to see the back of Nuriko going through the horse's pouch, probably food?

"...N....Nu...Nuriko...?" It was hard to say anything, damn I need water.

"Hm? Nozomi!" he rushes to my side, with deep concern in his pink eyes.

"W...w-water?" I just got out groaning from my dry throat.

He grabs a water pouch, lifting my head so I can drink from it. I sighed in serene like, he put it away laying my head back down against something soft under my head.

"How are you doing so far? Do you need anything?"

"I-I am...a little hungry."

He nodded went and brought back a small plat since I probably couldn't stomach all of the solid foods yet. With Nuriko's help, he had to hand feed me which was so embarrassing but I was hungry, and I do NOT want Nuriko to force-feed me I shiver in fear just imagining what he would do. I finished eating the food, drinking some water slowly, enjoying the cold water going down my throat. I let Nuriko take the water from me, and oddly he started stroking my head all...lovingly? And some reason my heart was racing so fast, my cheeks burn shyly look up at him seeing him smile at me.

"You need to stop putting yourself in danger missy." He was scolding me now, lovely.

"I wanted to protect my friend, and I may not know how to fight as well as you, his Majesty and Tamahome but I want to be useful an- ack! Owie! W-why did ya hit me, you're so mean you dared to hurt an already injured girl, hemph, jerk." Pouts, rubbing my now sore head.

"Idiot, you are useful!" blinks, I tilt my head.

" am I useful? I usually stay back and let others do things for me, but I don't want to stand on the back anymore. I can help, Nuriko please."

"Nozomi...You 'are' useful. You bring happiness and warmth into everyone's lives, and even gave one person the courage to fight for others instead of themselves."

"Wh-what? I bring...that to everyone's lives?" He nodded wearing a serious look "I-I never knew..." I mumbled in surprise. When I think about it, he was right the people I met always were happy and welcoming me with open arms, is that why Chichiri and Nuriko are so persistent in protecting me from danger?

That's when I remembered, that other day when Nuriko was so close he almost...feeling shy and nervous, I reach my hand gripping Nuriko's sleeve tugging it gently getting his attention.

"N-Nuriko...?" Oh dear Suzaku, my face is burning hot and my heart it's beating so fast I'm afraid it will combust. 

"Hm? Yes, Nozomi? Huh? Are you sick?" my face burns so hot and bright red steam could be visible coming from my head when he lay his hand flat on my forehead.

"N-no, it's just...u-um. B-before those bandits took us, you said someone likes me? I'm confused...w-why would anyone find me attractive?"

He blinks, slowly grins ruffled my hair, and leans down so our foreheads touched making my cheeks turn pink how close we were. Does this mean...I like Nuriko, one of my friends more than a friend?

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