Chapter 23: My Little Star

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Me: Howdy! Here's the next chapter, I decided to end this story here! Read to the end and you'll find a new surprise :3 So...Enjoy!~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's, like Nozomi Harada, Korin Harada Chou, Lien, Ice, Yeney Harada, Li Na!


No One's POV

"Tasuki!! You drowning rat!!" 

A shriek of rage from a certain Byakko Guardian chasing, after a shit-eating grin Suzaku Seven Warrior, who was running dodging her ice blast. Nozomi stops walking blinking and chuckled softly seeing the two go at it, she was happy to see those two getting at each other throats. 

Nozomi rubs her belly, which has gotten bigger over eight months she was expecting her baby soon. She was excited, but at the same time nervous. She smiled when Lien jumps on Tasuki's back forcing him to the ground pinning his body down grinning she got him. Nozomi almost squealed out loud when Tasuki surprised her by turning the tables pinning her to the ground, and to her joy, Tasuki ended up kissing Lien on the lips.

"Spying on the love birds princess~?" The pregnant woman squeaked whirl around, seeing her beloved Nuriko, one of the Suzaku Seven Warrior and also the father to her baby. "That's very naughty, of you princess~" He smirks.

She pouts, "I can't help it, look at them Nuriko~ They're so cute together~ And, I can just see them having babies~," She said starting to gush, at the new couple.

Nuriko chuckled, looking at his beloved gushing over the new couple. He leans down kissing her forehead, getting her to stop blushing brightly.

"You're too adorable princess, but Hoki wishes to see you, and you shouldn't be walking so much, you'll be giving birth soon and the doctor told you not be to walking so much." He started to scold her gently, who sighs then pouts giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry Nuriko, but I was sooooo bored just laying in bed or sitting doing nothing. I know the maids mean well, but they are starting to irritate me." she huff, look away crossing her arms across her chest.

Nuriko blinks and burst out laughing pat her head earning him a pout and glare from said girl.

"I know love, but come Hoki wants you to take care of Boushin..."

Nozomi frowns, "She still mourning over Hotohori's death, I see...I understand and it'll give me some practice~ By the way, where's Chichiri?"

They started walking to the Empress's room side to side.

"He went to find something, he'll be back later no worries princess." 

They stop outside Hoki's bedroom, Nuriko stayed outside while Nozomi walks in. She found a sad sight, the Empress- the person that was starting to be her good friend was laying in her bed looking like she was not even there.

"Hoki?" Nozomi went down on her knees at the side of her bed, Hoki opens her eyes smiling sadly at the pregnant woman.

"Nozomi...I-I'm so sorry you have to, deal with Boushin."

She shook her head, smiling with tears in her eyes "I don't mind taking care of that cutie pie, he's a sweetheart. Now you need to rest more, I know it's not easy but I hope you snap out of this sorrow and realize your son needs you, but for now, don't worry I'll take good care of the next Emperor like he was my own."

Hoki sobbed thanking Nozomi, hugging each other. Nozomi steps out of the room, getting hugged by her beloved. They walk over next door, to check on Boushin, Nozomi gently picks the baby up in her arms, cooing over the silent baby who clings on Nozomi's hair that fell over her shoulder.

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