Chapter 3: Red Glowing Heartbeat

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Me: Here's Chapter 3! Warning! Suggested 'Rape' in this chapter! Just warning ya'll, Oh and if you wish to know what Nozomi looks like if you have, type in my name 'BlossomCherrie' then go in the 'anime' folder, find 'Fushigi Yuugi' and you'll see her by her name 'Nozomi Harada' ^w^ anyways, Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's!


Last time on Universe of The Four Gods: The Guardian

"You okay miss?"

Tears suddenly escaped dropping to the floor surprising both.

"Nozomi...?" I heard Nuriko mumbled.

"I-I'm want to go home..." I mumbled, softly.

"What's wrong Nozomi? Did the big meanie Emperor make you cry?"

I shook my head, bowing my head trying to hold back the sobs wreaking my body.

"I-I'm sorry!" I turn around and ran crying tears trailing behind me.

Hearing Nuriko and the Emperor shouted out my name, I never realize how homesick I was until I remembered 'my' home. Even if I go back, I have no one! Miaka and Yui don't need trash like me! My parents never cared or loved me, no one will 'ever' love me!



With Nuriko and Hotohori

No One's POV

Seeing Nozomi running off crying, it tugged heartstrings for both of Nuriko and Hotohori. They were confused and concern for that girl, Nuriko was going to leave to find the poor girl but the Emperor stopped her.

"Nuriko...who is that girl?"

"...Her name is Nozomi Harada, I met her two days ago and this is the second I met her. Just something about that girl seems important in some way. I better go find her before she gets hurt somehow."

Not waiting for Hotohori to reply, she left the room finding Nozomi.

Nozomi's POV

I found an area, where there was a pond or tiny lake with a tree so I hide behind it hugging my legs to my chest crying.

'Why did I remember 'my' home!? I hate it, I wish this was my home! A-at least I have people who want me...right?' I thought with depressing thoughts.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"H-huh?" I lift my head up sniffling softly seeing a boy bending down on my left side, staring at me with gentleness and kindness.

"It's okay if you don't want to tell me, but may I sit here with you, to keep you company?"

I was hesitant at first to let some stranger sit with me and watch me cry, but suddenly I didn't want to be alone. My face scrunches up ready to burst into more tears when he gently grabs my wrist pulling me to his chest holding me in a friendly comforting manner, while I sobbed into his chest clinging to his clothes. I cried for about twenty minutes, while this stranger comforting me by stroking my head telling me 'it's going to be okay.' and it helped some.

Feeling embarrassed, I cried on a stranger I pulled away wiping the rest of the tears away.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to soak your robs with my salty tears." I wrung my hands nervously.

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