Chapter 5: What you do for Love

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Me: Hi~ Here's the 5th chapter, you know. Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's, like Nozomi~


Nozomi's POV

It was a crazy dramatic day, that day I protected Miaka but who was protecting me? Thankfully Chichiri appeared catching me, I felt like I failed there I was being saved by him. But I felt this fluttering feeling hit my stomach and my chest while Chichiri held me tightly close to his chest, I cling to his kesa that was wrapped around his body. Then he handed me to Tamahome to bring me through his straw hat, it was odd waking up in another place meeting a scary old woman that is the Goddess. I mostly stayed in the room I woke up in, and three of the Nyan-Nyan's, they were so cute and adorable! I was chasing them around the room laughing and giggling not knowing someone was standing at the door watching me.

"Come on Nyan-Nyan! Hehe, you know you can't escape me! Haha!"

"Can't catch us, ZomZom! Haha!"

I laugh but I end up tripping over my feet, expecting to hit the floor but I was in someone's arms?

"That was close, you know. You okay Nozomi?" 'you know'? Wait, was that Chichiri?

I push away slightly looking up at Chichiri's fake mask face, his mask was ripped off when he was saving me and Miaka and Tamahome to escape. So why was he still hiding it? I push that aside, right now I'm upset with him! I quickly got up on my feet, turn around arms cross against my chest glaring at the wall.

"Nozomi? Are you still upset with me, you know?"

"Hmph! What give you 'that' idea you jerk!"

"Hmm, I'm sorry I forced you to be stuck in your room back in Konan. But you have to understand; I did it to keep you safe."

Anger came back, spin around glaring harshly at him, hands clenched in tight fists at my sides.

"Oh, I understand 'perfectly'! You left me!! I could have helped you! I can control my powers, stupid monk!! I-I thought...I thought you were m-my friend." Tears escape my eyes cascading down my cheeks, bowed my head to my bangs covered my eyes.

"Nozomi...I know it was bad on my part to do that, but I am sorry. I was afraid to lose another dear friend. I should leave you alone to rest. We'll be leaving back to Konan to see the Emperor, in the morning so rest up."

Seeing him walking away, his back facing me. Feeling guilty, he must have lost someone dear to him and he was...just looking out for me, protecting 'me' Oh Suzaku, I'm such a horrible friend! Moving my legs, I ran after him in the hallway.

"Chichiri!" I called out his name causing him to stop, turn around. I push off the floor jumping right into him, wrapping my arms around his neck hiding my face in the crook of his neck, while he held me back against his chest.

"N-Nozomi? What's wrong? You should be resting, you know."

I giggled tearfully, tighten my grip around him slightly, burying my nose deeper into his shoulder smelling pine, and fresh air.

"Y-you dummy," I mumbled softly, smiling.


I pulled away, trying to wipe the tears. I was taken by surprise when Chichiri reaches his hand to my face using his thumb to wipe the tears away. My heart petter pattered, and was beating so fast? Was I forming a...crush on Chichiri?

"I'm sorry..." I turn my head slightly away not seeing his face, feeling ashamed "I wanted to prove to you, wanted to go with you instead of just...waiting for you to come back. I wanted to be useful, you know?" I chuckled, realizing I used his own line again but this time it was by accident.

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