Chapter 12: Star Gazing Festival Part 2

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Me: Here's Chapter 12 part 2~ This chapter introduces the new OC~ Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's! The song I use doesn't belong to me! It is sung by- Adriana Figueroa - Daughter Of The Moon"


No One's POV

The woman knocked on the door, letting a boy with his hair down that look like his older brother Tamahome open the door.

"Oh, uh hello miss..."

The mysterious woman smiled slightly, bend down so she was high level with the boy.

" must be Chuei, Tamahome's little brother?" He nodded confused. "May I come in and speak with your father?" She asks him kindly.

"Oh, sure miss. Um, come in." He opens the door wide enough for me to stand up and slip right in letting the boy close the door behind her. "Father! A lady is here to speak with you."

"Oh?" An older man got up from the bed after folding his children's clothes. "What would a beautiful young lady need, of this old man, hm?" He said in a slightly joking tone at the end.

The woman chuckled "I hate to do this seems you and your children are in great danger if you stay here. I can take you to the Capital, to the Palace of Konan where it will be safe."

The father blinks in surprise, and went serious "Is it have to do with my eldest boy Tamahome?" She nodded with an equally serious face as his, deep sighs. "Chuei, help your siblings pack and make it quick."

"R-right! Come on, Shunkei, Gyokuran, and Yuiren!"

The woman went tense, and slowly turns her head, then fully turns around facing the door.

"It seems, we have that visitor earlier than I predicted... Sir, you and the children crawl out that window," Points at the far back window the leads to the back, without turning. "And make it quick...our visitor is not in his right mind to listen to please, do not do anything foolish and help me, I have seen how it plays out...the children do not need to lose their father." The woman said with an icy clip of her tone, causing a shiver of fear run up his spine.

The woman opens the door, walking out than closed it behind her facing a surprise boy, but with rage in his eyes full of revenge.

"Get out of my way!!"

Closing her eyes for a second, and open them with a blank look. Her icy blue eyes pierced his eyes, with a deadly protective aura coming from the woman.

"You can try to kill this innocent family Suboshi, Warrior of Seiryu. But I will stop you before you can get even past me boy, but do NOT think a second I will go easy on you cause your young." With a clip and icy cold tone.

At the Palace of Konan

Nozomi's POV

I was excited, I picked the best cute robes with red, light pink see-through sleeves at the end, putting on red flat slippers. Fixing my hair so I put it all on my left side of my head, putting that accessory that dangles that Nuriko gave me as a gift that day he brought me to the Palace for the first time. Making sure I look at myself in the mirror, making sure I didn't forget something. Picking up my brush and carefully brush the hair in the single pigtail, hearing a knock.

"Nozomi! You ready?"

Getting up from the mirror stand, walk over opening the door seeing Miaka's now surprise look.

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