Chapter 13: Sailing to Hokkan

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Me: Howdy! Here's chapter 13 part 1 of 2~ Finally the gang is sailing to Hokkan but what's this? Does someone ruin their sailing? Enjoy~

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's, like Nozomi Harada and Lien!


Next Day, At The Harber

Nozomi's POV

I got up earlier than the others, something...or someone was calling out to me, telling me to head to the Harber where some soldiers still carrying the boxes and supplies onto the ship. But what surprised me was a big ass pure white tiger walking towards me, showing Tamahome's father standing beside it.

"Yuiren, Gyokuran, Shunkei, and Chuei?"

"Lady Nozomi!" 

I bend down letting Yuiren run into my open arms, hugging her than I stood up with her in my arms walking over to the rest of the family, and the pure white Tiger. I was cautious of this beast until it...bowed to me after the children got off it.

'It is an honor to meet the Guardian of Suzaku, forgive me if seeing me frightens you and the soldiers. I mean you or anyone no harm.' 

I gasp softly, I heard a males voice in my mind. I handed Yuiren to her father, went down on my knees staring into the pure blue eyes I ever have seen. It lifts itself so it was sitting, staring right back into my blue eyes.

"Was that...was that you, i-in my head...?" It nodded. " saved Tamahome's family?"

"The nice pretty lady saved us!" Gyokuran chirp up, petting the pure white tiger happily along with Shunkei and Chuei.

"Really?" I stood up look to my right side to see Tamahome's father holding Yuiren still.

He nodded "Yes, she told us to leave with this pure white tiger. She called him 'Ice' If I remember correctly."

"I see.." I walk over to 'Ice' reach my hand on his head carefully, blink when 'Ice' nuzzles more into my hand making me smile. I started to scratch him under his ear when I heard Chichiri calling my name in a frantic voice.


"Huh?" I gasp when 'Ice' got up and circled my legs slightly, growling lowly at Chichiri and the others minus Miaka, Nuriko, and Tamahome. "W-wait!" I brought my hands out stopping the others not to attack Ice.

"This white tiger means no harm! Ice brought Tamahome's family here, it seems someone was going to harm them."

"That is correct..." A calm cold voice of a female spoke up, standing not far was a woman with grayish-white hair, Tamahome, Miaka, and Nuriko.

"Father, Yuiren, Gyokuran, Shunkei, and Chuei!" Tamahome rush over to his family, with tears in his eyes, hugged them happily.

I walk over to Nuriko and Miaka hugging them, happy they're okay. The woman walked over to Hotohori, bowed.

"It is an honor to meet you, your majesty. But I wish it was on better terms, sadly I predicted we would meet either way so here I am."

"I-I see...can you please tell us who you are?"

"Ah, forgive me," She stood back up from the bow smiling slightly. "I am Lien, Guardian, and Protector of Byakko."

Everyone's eyes even mine almost popped out of our sockets, she raised a single white eyebrow.

"Is there a problem? It's quite rude, I did come all this way from my home Village, to help the Suzaku Warrior's and their Priestess." She frowns slightly, putting her hand to her cheek.

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