Chapter 1: The Book

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Me: I wanted to do this story to vent out my feelings, and It helps me handle my pain and sorrow better heh, and Chichiri is in a way my comfort character so just typing this helps me, so enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's.


Have you ever had a dream, that you work so hard no breaks, but only bathroom breaks of course- but rarely eats anything and staying up until you got it? And when you finally got the chance to go become that dream, the people that should always support you? Is your family, right? Well, not for me.

You see, I got great scores from my school. But my dream was to help others like first starters, I wanted to help give out homemade hot meals for the homeless. It'll get shot down by my mom and dad, saying 'why would you even get near those dirty, peasants?!'

Yeah, as you can tell by family is rich, but do I care? Hell no! I want to help people, so I sometimes give my money to people who need a home or a good hot meal.

After I started standing up for myself against my family, they started mocking me like I was trash but that didn't stop me from moving to pass that. But, that didn't break my heart and shatter my very soul.

My own family gave me my bags of all my things, telling me 'if you like helping those trash, be one yourself you ungrateful brat!' That was my mom, dad...he didn't say anything just glared and left inside.

So with enough money, I got movers to move my things to an apartment I rented, sadly their times I have no money for food, even weeks. But thankfully school has food, so I just save my money at random jobs, babysitting to working as a waitress.

I kept all this bottled up, why should I burden my two amazing best friends about my problems? Miaka has issues with her mom about her slacking on homework, which I'm supposed to help her at the National Library.

"Nozomi!! Whoa!"

A body slammed right into me from behind, which resulted in both of us falling to the ground painfully, well for me pain, but for her not cause she lands on me.

"S-sorry Zomi! Here, let me help you up~"

As I knew who it was, Miaka helps me back on my feet. I brush the invisible dirt off my long skirt, that has flower patterns around it, with my long sleeve shirt that slightly passes my wrist.

"Sorry if I'm late Miaka, I accidentally dozed off in school hehe," I told her sheepishly.

She laughs "It's okay! I also dozed off, did your teacher kick you in the hallway too?"

I sweatdrop "K-kinda? I accidentally suckered punched my teacher out cold, I got my first warning." I told her feeling bad for knocking out my own teacher...even if she was a cunt.

"Oh my, I end up hitting my teacher with my desk hehe?"

"Again?" She nods with her hand behind her head sheepishly.

"At least we can be dozing together~ But sadly when I'm helping you with your homework, you can't doze off okay?"

She huffs "Fine, oh Yui is here too. She had to return a book?"

"Oh cool, she can join us too."

Fixing my satchel across my chest to my hip, before we could go in further she noticed the drink machines oh boy. I was going to go follow when a female voice called my name behind me, it seems, I got a book ready to check out? I told Miaka I'll be right back.

And I got a book called 'Universe of The Four Gods: The Guardian of Fire' It was weird, but I push it aside for now. I need to find Miaka...okay where did she go!?

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