Chapter 9: Love Trap

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Me: Here's Chapter 9~ Enjoy! 

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Fushigi Yuugi! I just own my OC's.



Nozomi's POV

"Lady Nozomi! Please return to your room miss!"

"No way! I'm fit as a fiddle, but thanks for your worry lady!"

Poof into a chibi I ran away from the worried lady that was supposed to be my maid to take care of me, orders by Hotohori(Chichiri). He was sweet of his concern but I actually feel much better, But the reason I got up from the bed as I heard Miaka and the others were here.

Running around each corner, I was heading to the room for eating. It's hard to run in my dress, which I was forced into this morning (evil maid!!) So I lift them so they don't touch the floor while I ran bare feet. My eyes brighten, seeing my friends a new face but mostly Nuriko.

"Nuri- Gah! A-aahhh!" I was going to stop but yeah...these floors were waxed or something! I slip past the entrance to a wall.

"O-ow..." I stood back up, rubbing my face and walking carefully to the table room seeing everyone had sweatdrops "I-I'm okay, I was saying~ Nurikoooo!!!" I turn chibi and ran to him latching onto him while he sat, so in a way, I was on his lap.

He chuckled sweatdropping, patting my head.

"That was quite a fall princess."

I giggled and went over to hugging everyone until I stop mid hug on the new person who blinks at me, I put my finger to my lips looking him up and down carefully, I guess I was making him feel shy cause his cheeks turn pink making me giggle poking his cheek.

"I see you're a shy one~" I coos causing his whole face to turn red causing laughter to erupt from the table.

"I-I'm not...shy." he looks away blushing while pouting making me smile.

"Don't worry, being shy just makes you look more cute and adorable~" I grin widely, eyes closed and pointing both of my index fingers at me cheerfully not noticing his eyes stared at me with an emotion go across his eyes but disappeared.

Nuriko snorted slightly "Like you princess~?" 

"Gah! N-Nuriko!" pouting from getting my own words thrown at me, making more laughter to erupt from everyone.

It was my turn to be embarrassed, groaning.

"Okay okay! I get it! Sheesh! I was being nice hmph." Then I remembered my manners "Oh! Excuse my manners," I bowed to him "My name is-"

"There you are Lady Nozomi!"

I tense, slowly turn around sweatdropping seeing my other caretaker, the maid that was fitting me with my robes. I gulp, seeing her deadly glare.

I cough in my hand, seeing everyone looking at me I used my serious face.

"...Well you look at the time! Gotta go, bye!!" I took off running hearing the maid fitting me with robes shouted out my name in rage.


Later Tonight

I was in comfy clothes, the same clothing as I wore before the Palace, but it was dark powdered purple with pink cherry blossoms on it, I let my hair down too lazy to style it since I love it when Nuriko plays with my hair and styles it for me.  I turn the corner seeing Chiriko's back, I learned the new face, the one I embarrassed at dinner time was the last Suzaku seven, so to make a new friend I jump on his back chibified, also surprising him.

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