Chapter 2: A Doll's House

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I stare at my reflection.
This is good right?
My hair perfectly straightened, and my makeup done intricately enough to show effort but without being too much. I've picked out a light blue 60s dress, short enough to show some leg, but covered enough to not be perceived as slutty. On my feet are white ankle socks with a lace trim to balance out my white platform heels.

Being perfect is difficult, it's a fulltime job. I can't be seen as too stuck up or guys won't like me and my popularity would shrink, but I also can't be seen as slutty because that makes me dirty in the eyes of God. I have to walk the line constantly. I have to be cute but sexy, slutty but a prude, never drink but always party, never have sex but makeout with enough guys to stay cool.

I do every activity to avoid being on the outside of anything.
I am every person, to avoid being who I fear I might be. 

Little miss perfect...
I know that's what they all call me, either as a drag or as a name of endearment. 

To the outside world I seem like the image of perfection.
I'm a human Barbie doll, changing my outfit from job to job, uptaining every profession of high school. Trapped in a need to meet everyone else's expectations.

Before exiting my bedroom I pick up a small silver cross and hang it around my neck as I make my way downstairs to the breakfast table. There my dad sits with his newspaper and my mom serves up his eggs. A perfect family, almost like a picture from a 50s magazine. My parents are rich, we live in a large house, my dad works, but my mom stays at home. Perfect.

But I know it's all a house of cards. 
It's like living in a dollhouse, and no one outside knows.

Dad's sleeping with his secretary, a damn cliché. She thinks he will leave mom. She doesn't know he's only playing with her. Mom can't confront him about it, he gets too angry for that.

Mom's a drinker. She wasn't always, but with all of dad's affairs it's gotten that way. She thinks I don't know, but I see the empty bottles in the trashcans in the morning.

And then there's me.

"Good morning darling." My father says with a smile.

He likes me well enough. I'm a trophy to him. He doesn't really care about me, he cares about the fact that I represent his success as a father. He wants me to be like a porcelain doll, sat on a shelf for people to stare at and admire. 

"Good morning father." I say, folding my hands on the table, knowing mom will want us to say grace.

Mom got more religious after dad started slipping away, claimed she found God. I don't know how I feel about it, but all I've ever been taught is to believe, and so I do.

My mom joins the table and folds her hands, my dad joining seconds later.

"Thank you God for all the gifts you give us. We bless you for this wonderful meal and hope you continue to watch over us. Amen." My mom says.

"Amen." Me and dad reply before eating.

After breakfast I head out to my car. It is pretty much a Barbie jeep. One because I love Barbie, two because I love the color pink, and three because I love Cher from Clueless and wanted a jeep because of that. Also my parents like to spoil me instead of actually putting attention into building a real relationship with me, so I pretty much got to choose any car I wanted.

"Hi Trixie." Blair says as I exit the vehicle.

"Good morning, Blair." I reply, always remembering to be as polite as possible.

"What do you have first today?" She asks as we enter the school building.

"Math, so that should be fun." I reply as many of the kids make room for us to pass through the hall with ease.

You see, in this school you of course have your jocks and your cheerleaders, who are all popular in their own right, but really there are only 5 blonde girls that are truly on top of the food chain.

Blair St. Clair, total sweetheart, a child of God and a symbol of innocence, and the lead in every musical production.

Farrah Moan, total babe, looks like Christina Aguilera but can't dance or sing, very rich and quite spoiled, really fun at parties, and sleeps around with most of the football team.

Courtney Act, absolutely gorgeous, knows everything about everyone, beautiful singing voice, and atheist but on the cheerleading team so no one really cares. 

Alyssa Edwards, huge personality, very Christian and daughter of the minister at our church, and my 2nd in command on the cheer team.

And then there's me, Trixie Mattel.
Most popular girl in school, constantly jumping from every activity I lead in order to seem smart, religious, popular, fun, sexy, sweet, serious, and all around perfect.

As we make our way through the halls I spot a girl with atomic blonde hair, deep red lips and ocean blue eyes. I've never seen her before, and believe me I know everyone in school, I've made sure of that. She's standing with Adore and Tatianna, which in itself is terrifying enough, but I see her smile and I feel a tingling sensation in my stomach that I've never felt before.
I can't help but admire her stunningly sharp features and her strong physique.
Wait, when did I start to think tattoos were cool? 

Damn, those red lips look kissable.

No. Stop it Trixie.
This isn't you.

Get those thoughts out of your head.
You're not like that.

You're perfect.
You've got straight hair, straight A's, just keep moving straight forward.
You're a straight girl.

Yeah, that's right... totally straight.

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