Chapter 12: Meet Me After Class

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I retrieve my books from my locker as I desperately try to calm down for the last class of the day. Math. 

"Okay, breathe Trixie, it's just math class. Regular old math. You like math. Math is simple." I mumble to myself when I feel an arm around my waist.

"Hey babe." Jason says. 

"Hi." I say with a fake smile. 

"You gonna come over to mine later?" He says, his hands traveling uncomfortably low on my hips. 

His touch feels so different from Katya's. Hers made me want more and more, his makes my skin crawl. Every word Katya spoke pulled me in, every word he speaks makes me want to pull away. But I can't do that. He's the most popular guy in school, we're supposed to date eachother. 

"I can't, I have math homework." 

"Baby, come on. Let's finish what we started on friday." He whispers before kissing my neck.

God, I don't drink, but I could use one.
Or maybe a smoke.
Or maybe the kiss of a smoker.
Jesus, what am I thinking? 

"I have to go to class Jason." I say trying to free myself from his grip.

"Ah Trixie, don't be so cold, loosen up a little." He says, his hand high on my thigh underneath my dress. Luckily our fronts are towards the lockers, 'cause I would die if anyone saw me like this.

"Jason, no. Go to class." I say, finally wringing myself out of his arms as I practically run to math class before he can protest.

When I enter class most people are already there, and in the back row sits a familiar blonde woman whom I've never felt more relieved to see. 

"What happened to you?" Katya asks as she looks over my frazzled appearance. 

"Jason... He was just acting like a jerk, but what else is new?" I say as I open my books.

"Honestly why are you with him? Clearly you don't like him."

"Because I'm supposed to be. His parents are friends with my parents, he's the most popular guy in school, he's well-liked in church, he's the quarterback and I'm head cheerleader, we're a perfect match." I reply, not believing my own words.

"Perfect match? Says who? Courtney clearly doesn't think so, I definitely don't, and you don't either."

"You don't know that." I argue.

"It's obvious." Katya says.

"It's not!" 

"It is, but you're very cute when you argue." She says with a smile, and I feel a blush coating my cheeks again.

Why can't Jason be more like her?
Why can't I blush around anyone but her?

"Good afternoon class. I'll keep it short since you already know the assignments for today, but you'll have a test next week to see if our little partner experiment is going well so I expect you all to prepare for it in your respective pairs. Any arguments? No, good, didn't think so." Ms. Visage says before settling down in her chair, clearly not very motivated to teach today.

"So, yours or mine?" Katya asks.


"To study, you heard Ms. Visage, we gotta prepare for the test together, детка. And as you know, I'm not the best at this so we'll probably need a lot of after school sessions." She says, a hint of mischief in her eyes. 

"Oh.. uhm right, yours would be best. Mom is a full-time housewife and would probably disown me if she saw me around someone who owns a motorbike, plus Jason kind of talked badly about you to mine and his parents after church on Sunday, so I don't think you wanna meet her right now." I say honestly. 

The whole thing had been an extremely awkward ordeal. Our parents had asked how school was going and out of nowhere Jason had started to very publicly state his disdain for Katya and his speculations regarding her sexuality. My parents made me promise never to speak to her, but I can't do that. Firstly because we're math partners, but also because I realised that never speaking to Katya again is a bigger punishment to me then being disowned is. And that fact scares me more than anything in the world.

"Ah, well I'm used to not being the town favorite. But mine it is then. Do you wanna meet today or is tomorrow better?" Katya says, leaning on the desk with her chin resting in her hand.

"Uhm.. well, if you think you need a lot of help then maybe we should do both days?" I suggest in a shy tone, a deep blush on my cheeks.

"I think that's a great idea, кукла."

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