Chapter 26: Call Me Quick

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It's been hours since Trixie got home. I've texted her over and over, called her about a hundred times, and still no reply. I just want to know if she's okay, although, I'm pretty sure that I already know the answer to that question. 

"Katya? Darling, you have to eat something." My mom says as she enters my room with a tray of food.

I know that I've missed dinner. She's been asking me to come downstairs for ages, but I have no appetite.

"I'm not hungry, Мама." I mutter into my pillow.

"Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong. This isn't like you." She says, putting the tray down on my bedside table before she sits down on my bed. 

"I've kind of been dating someone..."

"Oh a new girl? That's wonderful, Katya." Mom says excitedly. "Why are you so upset about that?"

"Because we can't be together... She's really popular and so she's scared to come out because this town has so many judgemental people in it, and her family is really religious, so she's been dating a popular guy whilst dating me, but he found out about us and was so mad, and now he's told her parents, and she won't answer my texts and it's all a fucking mess..."

"Okay, breathe, you're rambling. I'm sure she's just trying to work everything out. She probably doesn't want to call until she has some answers for you. She must be going through such a tough time, poor thing... Can you believe we moved from Russia so you could have more freedom and then we come here to find similar views?" She responds, placing a calming hand on my shoulder.

"I hope so, it just makes me nervous... And yeah, it's kind of ironic how it all turned out. Do you want to stay here?" I ask her.

"In America? Yes. In this small let's-all-praise-jesus town? No. Honestly, your dad and I have been discussing moving away after you graduate, but if you have a girlfriend that might be harder for you." She replies.

"I'd still like to move, and honestly, I think Trixie wants to get out of here as soon as she can, I can't imagine her choosing to stay for longer than she has to. She might even move to start at some fancy college, she's incredibly smart."

"Trixie, huh? Is that her name?" Mom says with a teasing smile. I blush a little, suddenly feeling shy.

"Uhm, yeah... Her name is Trixie Mattel." 

"Mattel? As in the super rich family with the dad that sleeps around?" Mom asks.

"How do you know about that?"

"Honey, I don't need to pay much attention to town gossip to know about that." She replies, and I feel even worse for Trixie. It must have been awful for her to live like that and see her mom's heart break over and over, not ever talking about him cheating whilst the entire town discusses it openly.

"I didn't realise it was such common knowledge.." 

"I know, it's a little sad isn't it? But that's how it is in these small towns, that's exactly why I don't think we should stay. I hear them talking about you too, running their mouths about your bike, and your tattoos, and your sexuality. You'd think you were the devil himself." Mom says.

"Aren't I?" I respond jokingly in a wierd voice which makes her laugh.

"Oh my Kathinka, you've always been a free spirit. You can't be locked up in a town like this." She says as she gives me a quick hug before standing up to leave. "Please eat something, okay? I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day. Life has a funny way of working itself out." 

"I will try." I reply honestly.

"Good. I love you, мой дорогой." 

"I love you too, Мама." I tell her as she exists. 

I hope she's right. 
I hope everything works out.
I hope it's not the end of us.
I can't handle that.

Please Trixie, give me some sign that we are going to be okay.
Baby, call me quick.
We shouldn't call it quits, 'cause I can't handle it if we do.
I can't go back to a life without you.

Just then my phone pings, allerting me that I've got new messages

5 new messages from Trixie🐰🎀

Hey, sorry I haven't texted you.
First of all I'm okay, at least mostly.
Dad's furious and he's doing his best to make sure that I won't be able to see you.

But mom told me that she still loves me, she also said she doesn't understand it, but that all that mattered was that we loved eachother.
She's supporting me and she said she's going to try to build up the courage to leave dad, so I think we'll be okay if we're just patient.

I hate that I have to ask you to wait for me again, but at least there's a light at the end of the tunnel now.
So please, just wait a little longer. 

Dad's taking away my phone after this, but I managed to convince him to let me text some friends to inform them about me being unreachable first. 
But that does mean I won't be able to reply anymore.

I'll see you in the hallways.
I love you.

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