Chapter 22: Time Takes A Toll

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When we are children we imagine growing up to live the most incredible life possible. When we get older, we forget all about that. Instead we find comfort in the belief that those who live honest lives but struggle, those who aren't chasing riches selfishly, will be repayed in the afterlife. But I don't think that's what we need. No matter our age, we are all God's children, and we still need a dream that's about life right here, right now.

The dream of a new tomorrow is something no one can steal from us.
It's a spark that lives inside us, a small flame that will bring us warmth through the coldest winters. And once the flame is big enough, it will shine on us like sunlight, and our spring will come. Someday, everything we dreamed will come to pass. We just have to keep wishing.

But when tomorrow seems too far away, it's easy to loose hope.

"It's been almost half a year, Trixie. And I don't want to be selfish, but you don't understand how difficult it is to see him kiss you. You don't understand how much in breaks my heart to see your parents accept him so easily. I want to scream at the top of my lungs that you're mine, but I can't even tell my own parents about you, instead I have to watch his hands on you day in and day out. I couldn't even give you a proper Christmas present because your parents might find it and question it. It's already spring, and still he is the one who gets to walk you home. Jason is a selfish, judgemental bully, and I don't trust him at all. I constantly worry about something happening to you." Katya says as she paces around her room.

"Katya.. Please, come sit down." I say softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm just... frustrated I guess... I know, it's not your fault, I know you have every reason to be scared. Maybe I'm just nervous that you'll just leave me once we graduate..." She mumbles as she sits down.

"I would never. Katya, I would never leave you. I... I love you." I finally tell her after months of holding back.

"You do?" Katya says in shock.

"Of course I do, how could I not? You're like a dream come true. You've set me free, and I've given you all that I am. I may be forced to stay in Jason's arms for now, but my heart and soul belongs to you."

"I love you too, so much. I have for longer than you could ever know." She replies.


"Have I ever lied to you?" Katya says with a smile and I shake my head. She has never lied to me, all she has ever been is upfront and honest.

I capture her lips with mine, loving how perfectly we fit together. It's slow and filled with emotion, our love and care for eachother evident through every gentle movement.

"What are we going to do, Trixie?" She asks as we pull away, her forehead leaning against mine as her hand tangles itself in my hair.

"We have to believe in a better tomorrow." I say without actually believing my words.

"Trixie, there's no one in the world who can help us, there's no higher power that will come to rescue you, we are the only ones who can change our fate. You are the only one who can control your destiny." Katya tells me as her thumb caresses my cheek.

"I know... It's just hard to accept... Because if there's no one out there to ask for help, then that means I've prayed every prayer in vain. If there's no God who can save me, then I don't know how I will make it through. If there is no one who watches over me, then that means I am truly alone."

"You're never alone, Trixie. I'm here, and I won't leave. I've had my doubts, but that was before I knew your heart. All that's different now that I know you love me as I love you. Now, I won't give up. My soul, my body, my heart, they all belong to you. We will be together when all is said and done, for wherever you go, I will follow you." Katya assures me, tears shining in her eyes.

"All my life I've searched for a home, white walls and picket fences wasn't enough for me, I needed someone who could make it feel like home. I need someone to fall asleep next to, so that someone is there when I wake up in the morning. I've longed for someone like that. And I have that feeling of home now. You are my home, and one day we'll leave this town and we'll never look back. One day we'll travel to a place where we can stay forever and we'll create a home together. No matter how long it takes, I know we'll make it. Please, just wait for me a little longer." I tell her.

"I will wait, I promise I will." She replies, as she kisses my forehead and pulls me closer.

"My Katya.. Someday I'll be able to call you that in front of everyone. With every breath and every kiss you awaken the longing in me that begs for me to constantly stay in your arms. I refuse to give up or let go, and I promise you the same as you do me; wherever you go, I will follow."

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