L|G 3

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          MY FACE FELL as I repeated the words repeatedly in my head hoping this was just a dream I was struggling to wake up

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          MY FACE FELL as I repeated the words repeatedly in my head hoping this was just a dream I was struggling to wake up. At least he was attractive.

Shut up Sumayya that's not what matters.

I forced myself back to reality feeling my eyes tear up when everything was done and I was officially married to a man I've never met. I had no idea who he was nor did I know what sick things he did for fun. Honestly I'd rather not know.

My mother was staring at me with pity dancing in her eyes whilst my father's face remained stoic. Mallam Isa was long gone leaving the six of us in silence. The elderly man or my supposed father-in-law found it perfect to ruin my life more in this moment to talk.

"Due to the urgency of this arrangement, we didn't have the luxury to improvise on where the children will be staying." He paused sharing a look with my father.

"Thankfully Ibrahim has a place big enough to accommodate them while we acquire whatever they need." His father declared earning a nod of approval from my father.

I fisted the soft material of my dress in my small hands desperately trying to hold my tears at bay. I never thought I would get shipped off to a strangers house without my knowledge. I looked around realizing they were patiently waiting for me and I mentally facepalm standing to my feet.

The man I was wedded to was walking silently beside me with his eyes staring forward. My parents were conversing with the older couple as they shared a few chuckles on the way.

What I've been dreading came to view as we came to a stop in front of a blue Audi and our parents simultaneously stopped turning to us with smiles on their faces.

I calmly walked to the passengers door after embracing my mother in a bone crunching hug. I slid into the car after I was excused, my eyes pinned to the window watching as we drove farther from my house.

I bit my lip to prevent crying out as the tears blurred my vision. I subtly wiped them not bothering to stare at the man driving or question where we were headed to.

I couldn't say goodbye to my twin sister or anyone for that matter. It was so abrupt I couldn't even wrap my head around everything.

It wasn't long the car stopped and my eyes snapped open realizing we parked into a driveway of a two stores building that were unsurprisingly bright due to the numerous amount of lights decorating the house.

I stepped out of the car slamming my door shut making sure not to produce a loud sound. I stood glued to the ground as I observed the house realizing it was surrounded with masquerade trees with a pathway leading to the front door adoring gravels and led lights all the way.

I followed behind him quietly as he pushed the door open turning to me waiting for me to enter the house. I walked past him choosing to stay quiet knowing I wouldn't be able to produce words in my state.

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