L|G 14

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"WHO EVER THOUGHT CASH WOULD BE THE PROBLEM?" I complained frustratedly as I adjusted the straps of my gown, walking into the living room I designed to be his game room

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"WHO EVER THOUGHT CASH WOULD BE THE PROBLEM?" I complained frustratedly as I adjusted the straps of my gown, walking into the living room I designed to be his game room.

It didn't cost much as I only placed a couch, carpet and a 93 inch tv he bought specifically for that. Now it isn't a problem to me as I didn't buy it myself, but I know for a fact that I wouldn't have spent that much money on a tv I would play games on. But hey, that's just me. I guess.

He was seated on the couch, his head leaned back on the pillows and headphones perched on his head. I could hear him mumbling something to probably one of his friends playing the game as well.

His head snapped in my direction at the sound of my voice, his large eyes taking my figure in.

"We're talking about Nigeria." He threw me a pointed look. "Nothing should surprise you anymore." He further added.

"It's just mind blowing. They literally tell you to work and earn your money and you do just that, but spending it is a problem." I huffed walking around the couch to sit beside him.

His hands reached to zip my dress taking the words right out of my mouth, causing a smile to replace the frown on my face seconds ago. My heart fluttering at the small gestures he does unconsciously.

"Are you having problems getting it?" He quirked a brow, his hands clutching the control lowering to his lap.

"Yeah, my gas is pretty low. Ismail just told me he couldn't get more because the filling station wouldn't accept transfers. Who does that." I scoffed, my gaze on the paused game on the tv.

"You can take mine. I got enough." He offered.

"What about you?" I tilted my head to the side.

"Don't plan on going out today. Hafiz has everything under control." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Thank you." I beamed clasping my hands together, resting the left side of my cheek on them. He offered me a lazy smile in return. I stood from the couch to finish getting dressed before I got late once again.

"Sumaya." He drawled.

I hummed looking over my shoulder, my brows raised meeting Ibrahim's eyes.

"Drop by the bank. They'll give you what you need." He instructed snatching his phone off the couch laying facedown on the couch. His phone didn't have a phone case which bothered me, but his simple reason was he preferred it bare, and it would only disguise the phone's beauty.

I bit my lip trying to fight back the stupid grin that wanted to make an appearance. His eyes roamed around the bright phone screen briefly before he raised his eyes to meet mine.

"I love you." I blurted earning a laugh from him, throwing his head back pushing his head further into soft cushions. My smile widened at his reaction, his infectious laugh making it hard not to.

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