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"YOU'RE LOOKING BETTER." Mama chuckled as I settled on the sofa opposite her with a radiant smile on my face. I shook my head almost dismissing the idea but I knew I was, unlike the days where I would cry myself to sleep, it wasn't like that anymore.

Hammed and my sister's eyes fell on me at my mothers statement, as they were really worried about me with the whole ordeal, and I appreciated their concern but I agreed with Ibrahim to break it to my parents today, because his appearance wasn't public knowledge.

"I guess." I let out a slight laugh as I twisted my fingers in a hurry to leave this place because the last time I was here, things didn't end up in a good way.

"Why don't you consider moving in?" My mother asked softly and I pressed my lips together.

"I just need some time." I twisted my ring agitatedly feeling their eyes drilling holes into my head.

"Sumaya it's not advisable to stay alone." Safiya whispered causing me to roll my eyes in response.

"My husband died, that doesn't make me helpless so please, drop it." I gritted out and she raised her hands up in defense, leaning back in her seat beside Hameed who stared at me quietly.

"We're worried about you, is it a crime to be?" My mother said sharply and maybe it would've been a problem but I knew Ibrahim was waiting for me at home and at this point I was in a hurry to go back home.

"You need a different environment, it's not healthy to stay in that house." Hameed said and my head snapped to him almost immediately, a determined look plastered on his face which irritated me for some reason.

"And I'm saying I'm fine on my own." I hardened my voice as my eyes bounced between my mother and sister showing them I wasn't changing my mind.

"We can't let you stay there alone at your age. It's unethical." My mother shook her head, her voice getting higher due to her patience running out.

"When is anything ethical with me?" I tilted my head to the side. "The reason I came over was to tell you Ibrahim came back yesterday." I chuckled bitterly as I raised my eyes to meet my mothers shocked ones.

"Ibrahim?" Safiya furrowed her brows and I nodded in response.

"We agreed I was coming over to tell you, to share my good news and I appreciate you looking out for me mama, but it's too late to try to control my life when you made me work for every single thing I have in my life, but I guess I have you to thank." I clapped my hands letting out a laugh.

I could Hameed lowering his head from the corner of my eye as he turned to look at Safiya who was staring at me pointedly.

"I don't think you understand what you're saying."
She scoffed irritably and Hameed placed his hand on hers making her look at him. I picked my bag standing to my feet as their eyes fell on me, sporting defeated looks on their faces.

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