L|G 21

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I WAS RESTLESS. I always thought not having a job was the best thing that might happen to a person but I found myself starting to miss when I did have a job. And I still haven't told Ibrahim I lost my job nor the reason why I did. I couldn't find the courage to.

"I always wondered why you never told me about this." I complained as I strutted down the stairs.

"Because you'd most likely overreact." Ibrahim chuckled coming from behind me, already catching up to me due to my short legs.

"It's not overreacting when my husband was assigned a female masseuse." I grumbled pulling the door open looking over to Ibrahim on the other side of the car.

"Would it make you feel better if I told you I imagined you doing it?" He raised both brows with a wince making me roll my eyes playfully, sliding into the car.

"I was trying my luck." Ibrahim raised his hands in defense as a mocking laugh escaped his lips. His fingers twisted the keys in the ignition roaring the car to life.

"I can't believe you." I crossed my arms over my chest with a slight huff, leaning back in my seat as he zoomed out of the house.

"We weren't in our right minds, you do know that, right?" Ibrahim licked his lips as he looked over to me, before forcing his eyes on the road.

"Exactly, who knows the things going through her mind at the time?" I quirked my brow causing a mocking laugh to escape his lips, throwing his head back in the process.

"How do you think of these kind of stuff?" Ibrahim mused, shaking his head in amusement.

"You were literally dosed with God knows what, you can't be a hundred percent sure she hasn't tried something at the time." I moved my head against the headrest to look at him, finding him focused on the road with a ghost of a smile on his lips.

Ibrahim was a playful person and it took some time before I got to see that side of him, but I loved every moment of it. We bantered a lot of times because we weren't really the list affectionate couple because of the type of people we were.

"You're very creative, anyone tell you that before?" He raised his brows causing me to furrow mine in confusion.

"No, because I wouldn't believe them if they did." I let out a breath as a laugh.

"The fact that you created different scenarios in a short span of time is really creative." Ibrahim stopped behind a car waiting for the light to turn green.

"I'll take that as a compliment then." I giggled meeting his dark orbs filled with mischief. He rested his elbow on the door as he pulled on his lower lip with his fingers.

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