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I DIDN'T GO TO WORK THE NEXT DAY. But I didn't have a choice the day after as I was called immediately to office. I wore a blazer with a blank band and a straight black skirt. I already printed out my resignation letter and I was going to present it to my boss because I have a feeling he didn't care about what happened.

I strolled down the hallway with my head held up high, delivering two knocks on the door letting myself into the office. I found Ahmed sitting behind his desk with his hands laced together.

"Morning." I greeted taking a seat on one of the chair opposite him, crossing one leg over the other.

"I told you specifically to behave." He gritted out.

"I did sir." I defended.

"You brought shame to our firm, and now we're facing the consequences for your actions." He seethed. "Do you know the repercussions of your stupidity?" Ahmed raised his voice causing me to flinch.

"Sir, will all due respect, I'm a married woman. And he failed to respect my marriage and opinions." I explained with a leveled tone, already getting riled up.

"Your personal life has nothing to do with your profession. You're there as a lawyer not as a married woman." Ahmed yelled and I stayed quiet.

"I thought you were one of the good ones. But you prove me wrong every time." He banged his fist against his table, and I blinked angling my head to the side.

"That man was touching me inappropriately. That man tried to force himself on me. That man, pushed me against his table without my consent. It got to that level because I tried so hard to behave, so sir I'm sorry if I don't understand what you're talking about." I snapped, my voice getting shakier due to the anger and the events that happened that day coming back to me.

"You defending your actions shows how indifferent you are about the situation. Turn in your resignation letter by the end of the day." He clenched his jaw as his eyes bored into my into mine.

"So me getting raped is nothing?" I raised my brow.

"How you handled the situation makes me wonder if you wasted all those years in school." He boomed.

"If you're not willing to back up your employee as a lawyer shows how useless this firm is." I chuckled bitterly taking the envelope out of my bag, slamming it on the table.

"You don't know who you're dealing with." He warned earning a humorless chuckle from me as I jerked my head back, staring off to the side wondering if this man took me for a fool.

"You knew," I blinked. "And yet you sent me there knowing he had malicious intentions on me, a defenseless woman." I angled my head to the side. My eyes flitted to his hands clenching into fists.

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