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FOR THE FIRST TIME IN A WHILE, I COULD FEEL THE VIBES OF EID. Ibrahim went to the mosque while I prayed in the comfort of my room. Ibrahim came back not long after which was a bit unusual but considering he needed to go for prayer, it wasn't unusual.

I was sitting on my bed when he walked into the room dressed in a sweater and jogging pants. He flashed me a smile when his eyes landed on me, strolling towards me leaning down to peck my head.

"You're awake?" He quirked a brow as he pulled away  and I smiled, nodding my head.

"It's Eid. Remember?" I tilted my head to the side earning a laugh from him as he settled on the bed beside me, his hands clasped together.

"What are you going to wear?" I took off my hijab as I turned to face him, finding him already staring at me.

"I'll pick one of the ones I already have." Ibrahim pondered.

"How about I pick them out for you?" I offered earning a nod of approval from him, following me out of the room as I ventured to his clean room feeling his figure looming behind me.

"There are a few that came from dry cleaning. I couldn't find the courage to go through them." I muttered the last sentence as I pulled out a small box containing his clothes ignoring Ibrahim's gaze on me.

I stepped out of the closet dumping it on the table beside the balcony, taking off the lid. I was presented with a stack of clothes belonging to the man standing a few feet away that I was thought wasn't in my life anymore. My eyes teared up and I chuckled, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand as I spun around to face him with a sweet smile.

"These are safe." I twinkled coming to face with his concerned face as he walked toward me, peeking into the box to see the contents before his eyes flickered to me, his expression calm and serene, almost emotional.

"I'm here now." He whispered peering into my eyes. I bit my lip as I glanced down, fiddling with the lid of the box in my hands.

"And I'm thanking God for it everyday." I stated honestly. He remained quiet because he knew there was a but coming.

"But I can't help but think this would've gone to someone, someone who wasn't you." I raised my eyes to meet his. "And I spent the last two months running away from that." My voice quivered as I folded my lips in my mouth letting him pull me to his chest.

We spent a few minutes in that position before I pulled away, raising my hand to wipe my eyes. He didn't object but stared at me intently as I collected myself. I flashed him the most reassuring smile I could muster.

"How can you get over it when you never talk about it?"
He raised his brow impatiently before his eyes softened when he noticed the tears pooling in my eyes.

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