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THINGS WEREN'T ALL PETALS AND ROSES IN MY MARITAL HOME. I resumed work which was the worst of all and Ibrahim had to go look over something that happened in one of the spots he was assigned to.

I'll be honest, I got a bit attached to him. We haven't really spent time together but it made me actually look forward to coming back home. So I tried as much as possible to pile up the work so I could stay busy just so I won't go back to an empty home.

I considered going to my parents house for a moment but thought against it knowing it would spark something when she realized I hadn't contacted Safiya for more than two weeks.

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind slamming my car door shut fixing my blazer, my heels clicking against the floors as a few heads snapped my way before going back to their business whilst I pushed the glass door of the entrance smiling at the bored looking guard lounging on the uncomfortable looking chair.

I switched my bag to my right hand stepping into the empty elevator pressing on the button of the floor I was going to as the doors tarted closing just as an arm reached out, placing his hand in the gap causing me to look up to see a man walk in looking disheveled.

We met eyes and he nodded at me in acknowledgement before focusing on the mirror trying to fix his appearance. His hand came up to tug his cap off his head running his hand through his hair. He wasn't fully Nigerian from the mop of untamed hair sitting on top of his head.

My suspicions were confirmed when he croaked out an innocent excuse me, causing me to look up and judging by his peculiar features, it was obvious he was biracial.

"I'm sorry what?" I shook my head with a smile.

"Do you know where the head of operations is? I couldn't understand what the receptionist was saying." He asked innocently causing me to tilt my head to the side. At my simple gesture, his eyes widened letting out a strained laugh.

"That not what- I didn't mean it like that. I mean she was talking too fast and she didn't want to repeat herself after three tries so I just gave up." He explained and I raised my brows in response, pursing my lips.

"I didn't even say anything." I let out a breath as a laugh, finding his flustered state cute.

He blinked. "You did not." He said out loud shaking his head. "I'm sorry I just don't really want to come off as a — " He trailed off raising his brows and I nodded understanding where he was coming from.

"She usually doesn't pay attention to people asking for directions. Consider yourself lucky." I commented just as the it dinged, the doors sliding open to my desired destination. He nodded slowly to the new piece of information as I stepped out of the confined space, feeling the fresh air warping my face.

"It's on the fifth floor by the way." I said just as the doors closed before he could say anything. I walked towards my office feeling a sudden weight dump on my shoulders.

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