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I DREADED COMING BACK HOME. Because coming back home meant everything that happened was real, and not a nightmare I was going to wake myself from. I had been unusually quiet trying to gather my thoughts and Ibrahim respected my decision and stayed by my side.

We were on a plane back home, and it empty as I walked to the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee to keep me up and I was starting to feel drowsy. I didn't like sleeping on my way home on the plane because it made me feel exhausted and I hated feeling that way.

The business class was almost empty, only three passengers on board including us. There was a man sitting in a few rows in front of us in his own world. He looked busy as he was making a few called whilst scrolling through his laptop.

As soon as we landed Fuad was waiting for us in the car in the parking lot. He came out of nowhere taking my bag off my hands and I smiled gratefully whilst Ibrahim embraced him.

His eyes bounced from me to Ibrahim sensing something was off but he remained quiet leading us to his grey Lexus. I slid in the backseat whilst they took the front seats listening to the conversation.

"You're going to Abba? Can't you go tomorrow?" He raised his brow and Ibrahim shook his head.

"It needs to be today. I got called in." Ibrahim broke the news and Fuad's muscles tensed on the steering wheel before he regained his composure. He stole a glance from the rear view mirror for a second before focusing on the road, which didn't go unnoticed by me.

"Nice whip." I whistled trying to lighten the mood earning a smug look from him as he leaned back, placing a hand on the wheel trying to appear cool.

"You noticed?" He raised a brow in an effort to act nonchalant and I stifled a laugh. "Yeah it was a gift from myself for all the hard work." He boasted and I nodded feigning ignorance.

"I'm so proud of you." I played along, but I couldn't hide the sarcasm lacing my tone.

"Some guests came over today." Fuad said earning a curious look from his brother.


"I've never seen them in my life before. All I do know is that they came to visit, something like that." Fuad shrugged his shoulders just as we arrived, and I was quick to relieve myself from the stuffy space.

We made our way to the house, finding Baba sitting on a chair as he stared into space, making me wonder just how he was feeling. Losing someone you've gotten accustomed to and in my snapped out of my daze when Ibrahim looked back at me, quirking a brow.

"Nothing." I smiled shaking my head hoping it was enough to convince him.

"Inawuni Baba." I greeted him making him look up, his eyes flitting from Ibrahim to me, a smile appearing on his face as he leaned back.

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