L|G 6

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TODAY WAS THE DAY. I was never a fan of weddings but I couldn't help but feel excited with Safiya's wedding. I stayed over at my parents house to help with the preparations not without informing Ibrahim of course.

We were cordial to one another and I appreciated that. He gave me the space I so desperately wanted maybe needed which was the opposite of how I thought it would go. This action earned some respect for him to me and I felt like that was a start. At least.

I was currently slouched on a chair staring at my sister who blinked profusely after the makeup artist applied the extra lashes. I laughed at that earning a glare from her before she snapped her a eyes back to the makeup artist nodding at whatever she was asked.

I reached for my phone focusing it in her direction taking a video just as I heard a commotion outside. I sat up pulling my brows together wondering what it was when the door was pushed open as Safiya's friends barreled into the room.

Some squealed whilst some screamed which irritated me as I wasn't a fan of unnecessary loud voices. They scattered across the room immediately pulling out their phones starting to record themselves and occasionally giving Safiya some screen time.

They were soon asking for assistance to touch up their makeup claiming it was smudged on their way here. I stayed quiet scrolling my phone with Safiya's face plastered all over instagram feed. I smiled down at my phone happy she was getting the dream wedding she always wanted.

"Sumayya! I didn't notice you there." One of Safiya's closest friends, Ameera finally acknowledged me.

I glanced up from my phone tipping my head towards her with a tight smile etched onto my face. "Yeah I've been here." I blandly replied.

It might seem like I'm being arrogant but I've never gotten along with Safiya's friends despite us being twins. Safiya is the kind of person who relies on the people around her to be herself so she usually doesn't care about how evasive and rude they could be. It wasn't my place to dictate her life to her so I chose to stick to my own group of friends. I never really had a problem with any of them though, only the list annoying out of the group which were unfortunately the people sitting closest to me.

Ameera and Hadiza. We always got into fights when we were younger. Ameera has always been the invasive type while Hadiza was a person who loved strife so they went hand in hand. Ameera was the person to ambush me and Hadiza backing her up sometimes adding fuel to the unwanted fire. But after we fought physically and i distanced myself, they learnt to stick to their habits around my twin.

"I'm familiar with this." Ameera hummed but I didn't care to listen to her as I continued tapping around my phone. "I heard about Khalil. I know you envisioned the same happening with you but let's just try to stay positive. Don't you think?" She peered at me innocently when my eyes snapped to her but I could catch the biting smile on her lips as she did so.

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