L|G 11

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I WAS ELATED. The days came by so quick and it was already weekend. I was currently standing in front of our new home, the morning air biting my skin as I tucked my hands under my armpits.

Ibrahim's mom was so excited about setting up the house as she planted multiple flowers outside and made a garden similar to hers, probably because I usually gawked at her space whenever I stepped in.

My parents furnished the house not without a fluff as my in laws wanted to set up the whole house, but my parents wanted to stick to tradition and do their part. I appreciated their efforts knowing they did it solely for my dignity.

The house was done and everything was ready to go. We only needed to pack out clothes which Ibrahim already took care of. My eyes bounced to him unknowingly as he walked towards the backyard, dressed for the weather wearing grey joggers and a white hoodie.

He had his car keys in had whilst his other hand was holding his phone pressed against his ear, talking on the phone with god knows who. He was going to go out but stayed back until the moving company was done as he wasn't safe with leaving me alone in the house.

I went ahead to take a shower as I was visiting my parents house today. I never thought I could go two weeks without seeing them, but going back to work just made it harder for me.

My fingers toyed with the cotton belt of the gown I was wearing, my eyes looking straight ahead in thought. I snapped out of my daze, picking up a sliver ring sliding it up my finger.

I snatched my bag off the bed already walking down the stairs before backpedaling to Ibrahim's room to check if he was around. My question was answered when I knocked on the door several times before pushing the door open, finding the room empty.

I continued my trip to the car, my dress bunched in my hand careful not to stain it as it was white, not to mention the first time wearing it.


As soon as I stepped into the room two pairs of eyes were already on me. I mustered a smile going to hug my mother then moved to Safiya, her doe eyes staring up at me, something obviously swirling in her mind but kept to herself.

"You're late, again." My mother nagged earning a wince from me as I sat on her bed, getting comfortable.

"Sorry everything's just upside down right now." I mumbled averting my eyes to the colorful bedsheet under me.

"It's been three weeks Sumaya. I know your house might not be stable with the events but that doesn't mean you should cater to another family completely forgetting about yours." My mother complained as my eyes twitched at the last sentence.

"Umma, it's not like that. I've been procrastinating that's it. I'm sorry it won't happen again." I apologized, my voice soft.

She nodded stiffly before turning to my twin sister, the admiration clear in her eyes. "How about you? Hameed told me he was coming over. Did he come with you?" My mother asked.

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