Chapter 1: STEAL MY SOUL<3

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I look up at the grey sky as the rain slips off my long silky raven hair. "Harlow!" Mother calls my name. "Hurry up! You are going to miss the Hogwarts express!" She says once more with a crack in her voice. I look at the muddy ground from all the rain and bring myself forward, sprinting to my mother as she waits outside of the train. I wave my mother goodbye and blow her kisses. I am going to miss her, she is the only parent I have left. Every kid hugs their parents goodbye, and as they walk into the express, they wave their parents goodbye. "Bye mom!" I say while waving trying to push myself through the express, there is many other people trying to get in at the same time as me, but I manage to get through without that big of a problem. "Bye honey!" Mom says trying to get closer so she can give me one more hug. She couldn't get through because of all the other parents trying to do the same thing. "See you in a few months!" Mother says. I don't think she knows that I will be at Hogwarts for 10 months, and not coming back until June.

The express door slowly closes. I walk down the aisle of the express with my trunk filled with my spell books, my potions books, my mystical creatures books, and more. I continue to walk down the aisle trying to find an empty booth, I eventually found a completely empty booth next to 3 boys. I sit in the opposite booth alone. Reading my book I've been trying to finish. The book is called "Love too Strong". My grandmother gave it to my after she passed away 3 years ago. This is my favourite book, I love it with a strong passion.

The book is about a young girl, desperate to fall in love for the first time in a long time, not until she realized the love of her life was different from her in so many ways. Sometimes I wish this would happen with me, desperate to fall in love, but I've got so many other thing to worry about rather than "love". I just don't understand it. I continue reading until I notice the one boy from the group of 3 is staring at me. Its almost like he's staring right through my body, my soul. Like he's trying to steal my soul. And at that moment right there, I felt incredible. Not that I was interested in him, but I just liked being stared at, it makes me feel special.

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