Chapter 4: SORTING HAT

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We have arrived at Hogwarts, the one and only. The one I have been waiting all summer to attend. As Ron, Hermione, Harry and I step off the train, we see a big man with long frizzy brown hair leading us into the massive school. Finally, I'm here, my home. We all follow behind Harry, who is led by the big man with frizzy brown hair. "Alright students! Harry will take the lead and lead ya to McGonagall" we nod as Harry leads us to the entrance of the school. We all walk down the hall with kids rushing past us as we push through.

"Over here!" Hermione says with her lovely British accent. Ron, Harry and I follow her as she leads us to McGonagall with all the students there already. As I walk in the room, I see an old woman with a wand in her hand holding a hat. "Before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you all must be sorted into you're houses" the students all look at each other hoping to get an answer "Houses?" Ron says with a little confusion in his voice "There are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin" the students eyes grow bright and they nod their heads.

McGonagall calls one student by other "Ron Weasley" Ron looks up and steps ahead to hover his head under the hat "Gryffindor!" They all clap with glee while Ron puts on a huge smile. In that moment, I looked around the room and somehow landed my eyes on Malfoy. He's not smiling, nor clapping, almost like he wasn't excited about being sorted into his house. Suddenly I shut my eyes and shake my head as I hear the name Malfoy being called. Malfoy goes up so he's beside McGonagall and hovering under the hat.

"Slytherin!" yells the sorting hat. Most of the students clap, but not all of them. I clap and gulp and give Malfoy the death stare hoping he would look at me. The first time I wanted someone to look at me was at that moment, when it felt like it was only us in the room. I wanted it, but I knew I couldn't let myself have it.

"Harlow Greeves! you're up!" McGonagall says as I walk up hovering under the hat. "Please be Gryffindor" says Ron. I look over at Malfoy once more, he looks back. He has his arms crossed and looking at me with a weird stare that I cannot identify what it means. I look back up at the sorting hat as its thinking... "Slytherin!"I widen my eyes and my mouth drops a bit. I don't smile, nor look at anybody. Im not ready for the dirty looks.

"Bloody hell" Ron says with his mouth wide open "Oh dear" Hermione says while playing with her hair nervously, Harry is nowhere to be found. I look at the crowd, some of them clap and some don't, they stare. "I should've knew" I said under my breathe as I step away from the sorting hat. My eyes lock on Malfoy once more as he laughs sarcastically. That bloody idiot, I wanted to say that out loud, but I knew it wouldn't end well.

I can't stop staring at him, and I don't want to. I just can't help it...

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